Adyc, I will get around to it, maybe in the next couple of weeks. The Silver Tellus is the size and weight of a slightly undersized power amp. It's solid wood casework contains lots of silver, copper, and insulating materials. That's all I can glean, rather hush hush otherwise. On the back are 4 pegs , each of which can take up to 2 grounding leads, so a total of 8 components can be grounded (6 if one peg is used for the Atlantis umbilical to Atlantis add-on box). These leads are v much like any other ic, quite flexible, and not too thick.
I place the Silver Tellus on the floor next to my rack, although I've heard it perform better with some isolation. From the back I run 5 of these grounding leads, spade termination to go into pegs, and spade at the other end to attach to my earth terminal on Straingauge energiser, and SET monoblocks (3 leads, spade-spade), spade-rca termination to go into a spare output jack on preamp, and spade-balanced termination to go into a spare output jack of cdp.
So, box on floor with 5 leads running btwn this and components. Not the greatest solution for keeping trailing wires to a minimum, but brilliant for combatting noise.
I place the Silver Tellus on the floor next to my rack, although I've heard it perform better with some isolation. From the back I run 5 of these grounding leads, spade termination to go into pegs, and spade at the other end to attach to my earth terminal on Straingauge energiser, and SET monoblocks (3 leads, spade-spade), spade-rca termination to go into a spare output jack on preamp, and spade-balanced termination to go into a spare output jack of cdp.
So, box on floor with 5 leads running btwn this and components. Not the greatest solution for keeping trailing wires to a minimum, but brilliant for combatting noise.