Entreq Tellus grounding

Other question: has anybody experiences concerning silver cleanus ? What does it sonically ? Is the advised grounding mega important for sound issues or does it work already stand alone convincingly ? Thx a lot for any support :)

I don't have any experience of the Cleanus Simone.
When I started down the Entreq road I was using an Audience Aspect AR8 so never explored it. I'm also unsure if it is available with UK plugs though as the website refers only to Schuko and US plugs.
There are two new Primer power blocks available with UK plugs at £750 and £950 but again no experience of them.
I would be surprised if the Cleanus isn't effective on the basis of my experience with other Entreq products but there are other options and it may be that the only way to assess it is to try it on a sale or return basis which I am sure any Entreq dealer would be happy to arrange.
Thanks Barry

I missed it because I was looking for a new thread!

There is scant detail about it's construction and design philosophy online and it is only available from one seller on Ebay!
Extravagant claims are made about it's performance, but little is made known about what is inside the box. Apparently, there are no filters, transformers or mains regeneration involved, just star-earthing and attention to RFI/EMI and mechanical vibration control, similar to MusicWorks and Russ Andrews mains blocks!
It does look nice, is solidly built, but seems very expensive for a little-known product/company though!

I am glad that you were so impressed that you made a purchase.

Merry Christmas


Thanks Steve.
Yes not straightforward and a good summary of the relevant considerations.
It has worked well in my system but I am sure that it would be essential to demo it and other contenders before committing.
Best wishes for Xmas and the New Year.
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Good Morning Barry,
meanwhile I ordered a silver cleanus. In Germany we use Schuko plugs :)
I will report about the sonic results from changing to silver cleanus.
Currently I am overwhelmed by the more of smoothness caused from Olympus infinity. Wow.
Is the olympus infinity a different mineral mix vs the olympus minimus, or just a 2 chamber minimus?

There was mention of an upgrade to the minimus coming. Any info on this?
Thank you Simone.
I will look forward to hearing how the Silver Cleanus performs in your system.
My experience with Entreq is that as you add different and better components from their range there is a mutual and incremental improvement that is readily apparent.
My experience of the Infinity range is limited to their i/cs. I had my three balanced Apollos upgraded to Infinity spec with the same sort of improvement you are reporting from the Olympus Infinity.
All best wishes for Xmas and the New Year.
Is the olympus infinity a different mineral mix vs the olympus minimus, or just a 2 chamber minimus?

There was mention of an upgrade to the minimus coming. Any info on this?
The only info I have is what is on the Entreq site.
They are both of the same weight and there is no mention of any change in the mineral mix. The improvement is attributed to changes derived from what they learnt from the development of the Infinity range of cables.
From Entreq HP: But since Olympus Infinity have 4 times more mass and 5 times more silver treated with the Infinity
From Entreq HP: But since Olympus Infinity have 4 times more mass and 5 times more silver treated with the Infinity

Thanks for the link. It was confusing that they compared the olympus 10 minerals to the olympus infinity and not the olympus minimus to the olympus infinity directly.
this weekend i tried a few different things with my Entreq grounding and i'm happy to report some performance advances by re-tasking my existing Entreq gear.

i've made zero system changes since last June, when i moved my Taiko Tana/Herzan units to under my darTZeel 458 monoblock amplifiers. it's just been listening and enjoying since then. i've not had anything new to report......so have been pretty quiet about things.

i'd been pondering some tweak checks of my grounding anyway, and i had been talking to another darTZeel owner who had found that grounding the negative speaker terminals on his dart amps was not positive (caused some clarity reduction) for him and so he removed it. it has been a few years since i had added the Entreq Poseidon and done that negative speaker terminal grounding. i had also done the grounding of the bass tower amps at that same time and the whole picture had been a clearly positive move.

so yesterday i listened to an hour of my standard test tracks and then removed that grounding of the negative speaker terminals on my amps. then i listened to those same test tracks again. there was a definite small cleaning up of the presentation; an increase in clarity. a slight bit more vivid. later yesterday i inserted the grounding back onto the negative speaker terminals, and listened again to those same tracks, i could hear the slight congestion......so i removed them and clearer again. i was satisfied to keep them removed. a nice little boost to clarity.

i had been using 2 of the 3 modules of the Poseidon for those amp negative speaker terminals, plus 2 Olympus Minimus boxes for that purpose, plus two 'infinity' upgraded Eartha Atlantis cables, so i thought about what i might do with those. i had been using the middle Poseidon module plus one Olympus Minimus box for my bass tower amps. i decided to add those now idle modules and boxes to the bass tower application. so i separated each grounding cable from the bass amps from the single center module to each side module (including the Olympic Minimus) and then also connected the center module and it's Olympis Minimus to each side module. in essence using three modules and three Olympic Minimus's for the two bass towers all connected together. so triple the grounding capacity compared to before.

i knew from before that it takes some time for this stuff to manifest itself in terms of full traction. this morning when i made the change the bass was better. but tonight, 7-8 hours later it's much more noticeably better. imaging and ambient presence are more holographic and disconnected from the speakers, and more distinct and real. there is more weight and slam, and just overall a more robust and commanding feeling with greater ease. a more natural, propulsive, compelling, and immersive presentation. objectively a slight change, but musically important.

i've loved how my bass is, and now it's just that little bit better overall.

the slight added clarity compliments the added bass flow and it's a nice overall step up. it's fun to find some progress just by being open minded to feedback.

i will live with this a week or two and see how i feel about it then.
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Thanks Mike
Am I right in understanding that the main speakers are passive and that the bass modules are active?

Barry, yes, the Evolution Acoustics MM7's are a fully integrated twin tower design; i ground the speaker cabinet of the passive main towers to my Tripoint Troy Signature, and ground the plate amps (2 per bass tower) of the active adjustable bass towers to my Entreq Poseidon as i describe above.

Thanks Mike
The additional grounding you have employed on the bass towers and the resultant improvement makes sense. Amps are invariably noisy.
I am a bit surprised that the darTZeels sound better without the negative speaker terminal grounding and I am wondering if grounding those terminals with an Olympus Mini while leaving the bass towers on the Poseidon might work better still, or whether the Tripont chassis grounding of the two main speakers is interfering with the Entreqs in some way.
Thanks Mike
The additional grounding you have employed on the bass towers and the resultant improvement makes sense. Amps are invariably noisy.
I am a bit surprised that the darTZeels sound better without the negative speaker terminal grounding and I am wondering if grounding those terminals with an Olympus Mini while leaving the bass towers on the Poseidon might work better still, or whether the Tripont chassis grounding of the two main speakers is interfering with the Entreqs in some way.

in the 3 years since i added the Poseidon and did the negative speaker terminal on the amp grounding, my system has changed somewhat. after i did that a year later added the Tripoint Elite and then moved the Tripoint Troy to the amps, then added the MSB Select II, and then all the Taiko Tana upgrades and additional platforms. the context for grounding the negative speaker terminals has changed.

this is no different than how some acoustic 'fix' becomes a liability when you eliminate the cause of the underlying acoustic problem. systems are complex and dynamic, and there are few absolutes.

my friend's comments about his experience just tipped me over to investigate. i had no agenda to change anything, and even double checked my perceptions before proceeding. and my plan is to re-visit this situation in a few weeks to see how it's doing.

as far as the Tripoint grounding and it's affect on the Entreq you could be right. i have to keep my mind and ears open for the optimal performance and not get locked into expectations of cause and effect. not so easy to do.
Thanks and I agree .
The effects of multiple changes are rarely straightforward and the only real proof of the pudding is in the eating, or to be more accurate the resultant sound, which again can pose problems in differentiating between different and better.
I'll be interested to read your conclusions once you have had the opportunity to evaluate fully the recent changes.
A t the beginning of the year I treated myself to a brand new Oppo 203 to complete my system's 4k capability and to enable me to access multi channel layers of a number of my CDs and Hybrid SACDS. Picture and sound quality with 4k movies is a real improvement over Bluray and the surround sound quality on audio discs was very good. I don't watch a lot movies so I had concluded that I did not need to pay 2 or 3 times more for an Oppo 205.
Until today the bypass connection from the Denon 4300 AV amp to the Vitus SIA 025 stereo amp was via a pair of modest Chord RCA i/cs which obviously needed to be upgraded. Today I installed a pair of Entreq Challenger i/cs grounded to an Olympus 10 with a pair of Apollo ground cables. I had also recently bought the Helene Grimaud Bluray Audio disc" Credo" with a mixture of Beethoven and Arvo Part compositions which was very impressive even with the Chord, but with the Entreq upgrades it sounds so much fuller and natural. Bluray audio is a bit of a niche taste but with the right equipment it really does sound impressive.
The Challenger i/c alone costs nearly three times as much as the Oppo 203 and with the grounding the total cost is nearly five times more. I get much improved sound quality with audio and video discs plus TV content from the Sky Q 4k capable satellite box.
We regularly note how important a contribution high end cables make to our music playing, but not often to our AV setups.These upgrades have convincingly demonstrated to me the benefits of high end audio cables to AV setups and I can recommend unreservedly upgrading those cables. I am sure such benefits extend to other manufacturers cables.

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