Esoteric Grandioso T1 turntable arrives; G1X Master Clock coming.

2fast name is Marc also. He lives about 30 minutes from me. I have heard his system a few times. Its great.
Thanks Rex, I will take this offline with you, I can probably use some help, sure.
with all 4 stereo set-ups really singing sweetly, i'm starting to get a feel for what the Esoteric T1 w/clock is delivering that sets it apart.

the CS Port/Etsuro Gold and NVS/Tosca/Audio Technica are both really outstanding. fantastic in their own right. especially the CS Port. it has it's own magic.

but the Esoteric is another level altogether in terms of flow and musical touch. the musically significant energy plays to the connection to the music. you are embraced by the PRAT, by the intent, touch and nuance, by the inner rhythm and pulsing energy and jump factor. it transforms the music into something personal. there is a noticeable completeness and grain less realism where the others have a degree of reproduction in direct comparison. the Saskia was a little closer to this than the others (and to be fair it's not here for direct compare), the CS Port has that non mechanical magic, but neither at this level. if the others were not there to directly compare it might be hard to clearly see it. there is a directness and simplicity. the turntable gets out of the way of the musical message and allows it to come through.

i'm not talking about bass or highs or frequency response. they all excel at those things. this is about degrees of being swept up in the music.

i'm struggling to identify with words what i'm clearly hearing. but after installing my reference tone arms and cartirdges, and living with them now for a few days, i can finally see where i'm at. and it's somewhere brand new. previously my perceptions were tempered by the lack of my reference pieces. no more.

tonight have been doing jazz and classical mostly, but the Esoteric delivers across musical genres.

the clock is the cherry on top for the outstanding speed solidity and torque of the Esoteric T1 magnetic rim drive idler. and it all really works musically to take things to another level. the arm boards are really beautifully executed. i'm very happy with what i'm hearing and this is very special. in a brief listen these things might not jump out, but sitting back and letting the music speak to me, it's very evident. you hear it, but you really feel it.
@Mike Lavigne
Hi Mike,
hoping that I haven't overlooked it so far or read it and forgotten it again: which of your drives is the one with the most organic or physical presentation?
@Mike Lavigne
Hi Mike,
hoping that I haven't overlooked it so far or read it and forgotten it again: which of your drives is the one with the most organic or physical presentation?
being retired, my habit seems to be when i walk in the room in the morning 5:30--6:30 am sometime, i get the CS Port and Esoteric T1 spinning, and (not every day) fire up the 1/4" ATR-102/MR-70, turn on the dart pre and amps. then sit down to some Wadax digital. web surf a bit while listening, getting caught up. an hour later i'll turn on the EMIA phono, DaVa and FCL power supplies, then throw a classical pressing on one of the 4 stereo tonearms. varies where i start with the morning. my vinyl agenda is to intentionally spread out my listening to all 4 stereo choices. common to listen with one arm/cart on one side, then switch for the other side.

honestly all 4 are really great. and all 4 hold their own in the group.

if i were to choose, i'd give the CS Port the most ease and fluidity with an embracing and immersive sense, the dart phono/NVS/Tosca/Audio Technica the most inciteful but never a false step or in your face, both the T1 combo's the most physical, propulsive and organic sounding, the T1/FCL/Etsuro the most texturally/timbrally complex, and the T1/Tosca/DaVa the most alive/live sounding.

all 4 are excellent in every regard, i'm noting the little bit extra i'm hearing distinguishing them. trying to think about whether i intentionally direct particular music to one arm or another. maybe i do like string quartets more on the CS Port? big music on the T1 as it really is explosive. still learning about the Audio Technica MC-2022, so we will see on that one. the dart pre is a nice alternate to the EMIA, it holds it's own.

with a great tape, the ATR-102/MR 70 laughs at all the tt's. it's a subtle difference but musically in another realm. yesterday afternoon i did a couple of hours with tapes i had not played in many years.

i fit breakfast in sometime mid morning, and normally end my analog listening before noon. typically 2-3 hours.
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Hi Mike, I am very sorry that you have to live such a horrible life. ;) O.k., seriously - thanks for the insight, it reads very interesting. I would also have been very, very happy to tackle the subject of tape. A friend of mine, in whose listening room we often had a listening session, had a very good and a reference tape machine (I don't remember which one). I was going to start using it at some point, but he advised against it. He said it was rarely possible to get copies of original master tapes. That may be somewhat different today, 10-15 years later. But it's certainly not the case that you can choose which recording you would like to have a tape of ... Therefore, unfortunately, I have to make do with turntables. I'm looking forward to my next one. :cool:
Hi Mike, I am very sorry that you have to live such a horrible life. ;)
O.k., seriously - thanks for the insight, it reads very interesting. I would also have been very, very happy to tackle the subject of tape. A friend of mine, in whose listening room we often had a listening session, had a very good and a reference tape machine (I don't remember which one). I was going to start using it at some point, but he advised against it. He said it was rarely possible to get copies of original master tapes. That may be somewhat different today, 10-15 years later. But it's certainly not the case that you can choose which recording you would like to have a tape of ... Therefore, unfortunately, I have to make do with turntables. I'm looking forward to my next one. :cool:
regarding tape, even though i've owned nice tape decks for years, my vinyl had progressed to the point where my tape listening was dormant for a long time. i still listened to it, but my mind was not on it much. the music on vinyl was overall more compelling in my mind, fresher and more alive to me. it was much more me than that my decks or tape titles were not attractive.

then a year ago my friend finally tipped me over to upgrade my tape hardware, which did make a performance difference, but also i simply started listening to it again. i have enough tape albums to keep me interested, and the improvement of my tape playback gear has boosted some of my tapes to beyond my vinyl by a bigger margin than before. subtle differences making a difference.

it's all about putting energy and attention into something and getting a return. and that tape performance matters relative to the alternative.

and tape can get you to a higher net performance level relative to the investment, if the limited media choices fits your listening. not everyone wants or can afford 3000++++ lps. but a nice tape deck and 30-40 tapes? that is doable. like expensive single malt you sip once a month. it's can pencil.
being retired, my habit seems to be when i walk in the room in the morning 5:30--6:30 am sometime, i get the CS Port and Esoteric T1 spinning, and (not every day) fire up the 1/4" ATR-102/MR-70, turn on the dart pre and amps. then sit down to some Wadax digital. web surf a bit while listening, getting caught up. an hour later i'll turn on the EMIA phono, DaVa and FCL power supplies, then throw a classical pressing on one of the 4 stereo tonearms. varies where i start with the morning. my vinyl agenda is to intentionally spread out my listening to all 4 stereo choices. common to listen with one arm/cart on one side, then switch for the other side.

honestly all 4 are really great. and all 4 hold their own in the group.

if i were to choose, i'd give the CS Port the most ease and fluidity with an embracing and immersive sense, the dart phono/NVS/Tosca/Audio Technica the most inciteful but never a false step or in your face, both the T1 combo's the most physical, propulsive and organic sounding, the T1/FCL/Etsuro the most texturally/timbrally complex, and the T1/Tosca/DaVa the most alive/live sounding.

all 4 are excellent in every regard, i'm noting the little bit extra i'm hearing distinguishing them. trying to think about whether i intentionally direct particular music to one arm or another. maybe i do like string quartets more on the CS Port? big music on the T1 as it really is explosive. still learning about the Audio Technica MC-2022, so we will see on that one. the dart pre is a nice alternate to the EMIA, it holds it's own.

with a great tape, the ATR-102/MR 70 laughs at all the tt's. it's a subtle difference but musically in another realm. yesterday afternoon i did a couple of hours with tapes i had not played in many years.

i fit breakfast in sometime mid morning, and normally end my analog listening before noon. typically 2-3 hours.
Mike, we READ your words, lol.
Duly noted you muck about online when the Wadax is on, not so while LPs playing.
  • Haha
Reactions: Bobvin
tape can get you to a higher net performance level relative to the investment, if the limited media choices fits your listening. not everyone wants or can afford 3000++++ lps. but a nice tape deck and 30-40 tapes? that is doable.

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Mike, we READ your words, lol.
Duly noted you muck about online when the Wadax is on, not so while LPs playing.
more true than not. i do surf a bit during analog listening, but not much. prior to being retired when i still had 24/7/365 responsibilities i would check my phone frequently at all times. maybe every 10 minutes. anymore i'm getting away from that habit.

time is less an issue overall now. and trending more so. :cool: the day of the week matters less too. but my hard wired brain changes slowly.
Mike, we're still 40,000 years out of Africa.
Morning, get up, try not to be predated.
Go online, check a new mountain blend of coffee beans.
Afternoon, run around scavenging for food.
Go online, check out holidays in the Serengeti.
Night, light a fire to keep warm.
Go online, check out hippo hide-lined mittens and slippers.
Hi Mike,

Hope you are all good. Just wanted to remind you, in case you have missed it… I have send you some conversation message… but no panic… no volcano eruption just yet? :D !!

All the best

/ Johan
more true than not. i do surf a bit during analog listening, but not much. prior to being retired when i still had 24/7/365 responsibilities i would check my phone frequently at all times. maybe every 10 minutes. anymore i'm getting away from that habit.

time is less an issue overall now. and trending more so. :cool: the day of the week matters less too. but my hard wired brain changes slowly.
Any update on the boat trip?:):)
In the recent review of Esoteric turntable in Absolute Sound, the speed accuracy reported as comparable to OMA direct drive and adding master clock further improved smoothness, transient sophistication -especially piano sound-.
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In the recent review of Esoteric turntable in Absolute Sound, the speed accuracy reported as comparable to OMA direct drive and adding master clock further improved smoothness, transient sophistication -especially piano sound-.
waiting to get my Absolute Sound issue so i can read that review. thanks for the info on the speed and clock 'effect'.

6 months ago i did see the speed compare with the OMA K3 and have been anxiously waiting for Michael's review to read how he expounds on that. i have the clock myself, so realize it's effects and agree piano heard with it is revelatory.
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it's all about putting energy and attention into something and getting a return. and that tape performance matters relative to the alternative.

and tape can get you to a higher net performance level relative to the investment, if the limited media choices fits your listening. not everyone wants or can afford 3000++++ lps. but a nice tape deck and 30-40 tapes? that is doable. like expensive single malt you sip once a month. it's can pencil.
This is the reason why I jumped back into vinyl (substitute tape for vinyl and vinyl for digital), and now confirmed with my in - progress vinyl setup. There is music on vinyl that sounds horrible on digital and for the vinyl that gives me that WoW factor, it opens up more great music at a relatively reasonable cost.

Great to hear about you getting the Esoteric TT Mike, some great tech and I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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and tape can get you to a higher net performance level relative to the investment, if the limited media choices fits your listening. not everyone wants or can afford 3000++++ lps. but a nice tape deck and 30-40 tapes? that is doable. like expensive single malt you sip once a month. it's can pencil.

Why compare 3000+ LPs to 30-40 tapes? If that is your main source, you need more music. If you had only tape without vinyl, 30 - 40 tapes is pointless. You need to have a well sorted vinyl set up to justify only so few tapes.
Why compare 3000+ LPs to 30-40 tapes? If that is your main source, you need more music. If you had only tape without vinyl, 30 - 40 tapes is pointless. You need to have a well sorted vinyl set up to justify only so few tapes.
you are responding to my now 2 month old post out of context. i posted that in June as a response to this post....and read my whole response, not just the snippet pulled from it.

he was describing his friend telling him he could not find enough tapes.....
He said it was rarely possible to get copies of original master tapes. That may be somewhat different today, 10-15 years later. But it's certainly not the case that you can choose which recording you would like to have a tape of ... Therefore, unfortunately, I have to make do with turntables. I'm looking forward to my next one.
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you are responding to my now 2 month old post out of context. i posted that in June as a response to this post....and read my whole response, not just the snippet pulled from it.

he was describing his friend telling him he could not find enough tapes.....

Oh ok sorry missed that.
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Fremer’s review of the T1:
just read this review for the second time. all Michael's thoughts mirror my experience. this is a very special turntable which to my ears does not have a 'sound', rather it just achieves musical truth and does not ask the listener to settle. the arm your choose will take you as far as it can on the T1. and the more i listen to the T1, the more i appreciate it.

his first few paragraphs refer to other 'new' tt's from other manufacturers that don't really bring anything new to the table (pardon my pun), then states plainly that 'that' is exactly what Esoteric has done, which is something really new and has executed it remarkably Grandi-oso fashion. saying and doing are different things.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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