we do have some information, both listening and measuring.It does appear to be some form of cogging, but the rate of oscillations doesn't look right. If it were the rotor/platter interface cogging, it would occur at every "tooth" which would be much more often than what I see to be ~20° per oscillation. If it were the motor cogging, it would be even finer and IME, not visible to the naked eye (the plots I posted previously show no visible signs of oscillations, they are only detectable using an optical encoder). What ever it is appears to diminish as the speed increases, but I wonder how low it is at operating speed?
i will again point out that Fremer's T1 review is clear about the significance of the speed steadiness, and it's significance on the music, and
he did measure it with the Shaknspin. "Though the Shaknspin (shaknspin. wordpress.com) isn’t a “lab-grade” test device, it’s 9 degrees of freedom sensor produces useful data. Better tables always produce better measured performance. Putting the OMA direct drive’s results side by side with the Grandioso’s makes clear that the MagneDrive system’s speed consistency (at least measured with this device) is comparable to the direct drive’s."
and i have 2 turntables sitting here next to my T1 which have excellent speed performance, the CS Port LFT1 and the NVS. as good as those are, the T1 is better.