Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne loudspeakers


That s just me but I tend to think there are better ways to advertise a product ... Belittling an expensive articleI am trying to "unload" doesn't seem the most business-worthy or wise ways.
One additional thing shouldn't the original owner of the q7 refer to the original dealer to sell his products? to me the most straightforward way to recoup his investment. maybe he/she doesn't care about recouping his investments ...
Not a Magico owner but I have heard the Q3 and darn! it is an incredibly good , to my ears ,transducer. Again that says nothing about the mmicro but ... I find it a little bit tiring to read so much Magico bashing in the WBF ...
To me there has to be more than what I'm reading here to this story.
Having $100,000.00 tied up in a pair of speakers just sitting in the crates is a BIG deal. I could always use $100,000.00 :)

You got the math wrong (But I am sure you know that). What you have tied up in these Q7 is the price you pay to build what you sold to the guy who “trade” them in. I am sure it is a lot less than $100K. After all you know how to build great products for cheap, right?

I find it somewhat curious that in your 46 posts here at WBF, every post has a reference to Magico and that many of your almost 50 IP addresses used here come from all over the world as well as many using proxy servers which is contrary to the TOS of WBF

There are many here who wonder if you are not PhillipK but rather someone else whose initials are AW.

I do intend to look into this further

I find it somewhat curious that in your 46 posts here at WBF, every post has a reference to Magico and that many of your almost 50 IP addresses used here come from all over the world as well as many using proxy servers which is contrary to the TOS of WBF

There are many here who wonder if you are not PhillipK but rather someone else whose initials are AW.

I do intend to look into this further



I find it somewhat curious that in your 46 posts here at WBF, every post has a reference to Magico and that many of your almost 50 IP addresses used here come from all over the world as well as many using proxy servers which is contrary to the TOS of WBF

There are many here who wonder if you are not PhillipK but rather someone else whose initials are AW.

I do intend to look into this further

Steve, among your many other talents you're quite the internet sleuth :b

i dont have a dog in this fight but you've gotta respct any mfr/dealers/audio reviewers that are willing to post on public forums because the benefit to them is small (but we benefit greatly) and its a risk, as i've seen it end ugly more often than not. the converse of which many of us here wear our hearts on our sleve and - usually - let it all hang out.

now, will the real phillip reveal himself LOL
You got the math wrong (But I am sure you know that). What you have tied up in these Q7 is the price you pay to build what you sold to the guy who “trade” them in. I am sure it is a lot less than $100K. After all you know how to build great products for cheap, right?

Whoever you are, I agree, we do build great products. We also do so for exactly what they cost to build and I assure you they are not cheap. The fact that we do not gouge people for them is the real difference.
Steve, among your many other talents you're quite the internet sleuth :b

i dont have a dog in this fight but you've gotta respct any mfr/dealers/audio reviewers that are willing to post on public forums because the benefit to them is small (but we benefit greatly) and its a risk, as i've seen it end ugly more often than not. the converse of which many of us here wear our hearts on our sleve and - usually - let it all hang out.

now, will the real phillip reveal himself LOL

I don't have a dog in the fight either but I believe it would go a whole farther if truly this is a nom de plum and the real identity comes forward. We here at WBF have the utmost respect for everyone in the industry but in order that we have a level playing field our TOS call for members to divulge their industry affiliations, nothing more. If truly PhillipK is someone from Magico and I believe he is then full disclosure would give for better understanding of these debates

I find it somewhat curious that in your 46 posts here at WBF, every post has a reference to Magico and that many of your almost 50 IP addresses used here come from all over the world as well as many using proxy servers which is contrary to the TOS of WBF

There are many here who wonder if you are not PhillipK but rather someone else whose initials are AW.

I do intend to look into this further

Is there a legitimate reason why anyone would have 50 IP addresses? I can't think of any off the top of my head.
I don't have a dog in the fight either but I believe it would go a whole farther if truly this is a nom de plum and the real identity comes forward. We here at WBF have the utmost respect for everyone in the industry but in order that we have a level playing field our TOS call for members to divulge their industry affiliations, nothing more. If truly PhillipK is someone from Magico and I believe he is then full disclosure would give for better understanding of these debates

Thus the "AW" in your previous post. That would be very interesting if true. The plot thickens...
Is there a legitimate reason why anyone would have 50 IP addresses? I can't think of any off the top of my head.


that is not terribly unusual as we all log in from many devices and quite often from different locations as well as using dynamic rather than a static IP address but what I did find curious was IP addresses from all over the continental USA as well as Alaska and extending to countries in Europe and many of these use proxy servers to hide the identity of the user

So what sayest you PhillipK. Tell us what your industry affiliation is per our TOS
I understand your policy and I don't know PhilipK. But it seems you are particularly paranoid about anybody posting positive comments on Magico.
I remember when I signed up for the first time to share my impressions on my Q1, it didn't take 10 days to get a private email from you stating that my profile was suspicious... I don't know, do you have the same policy with the tons of people posting enthusiastic messages on Wilson? Did you ask the same to Champ04 who is posting enthusiastic statements on all EA products, with technical comparisons against Q1 which don't make any sense?.
Also, did you do anything to mike Lavigne after he sent me a threatening email when I dared posting that I preferred much more my Q1 than the Evolution Acoustics MM3 I had for 4 years before? Did you impose him to disclose the nature of his relationship with Jonathan? Is there anybody naive enough to believe he pays full price on his equipments, 90% coming from Jonathan?
It is good to have forum rules but we should apply them consistently across the board.

It seems to me that Magico being the most innovative player of the past 6 years, a lot of people are targeting them: Wilson fans for fearing that Wilson will lose their leadership. People like Jonathan because it is a cheap marketing strategy to target the industry reference and have unsubstantiated claims that their 3k mdf speaker is better than what a lot of industry insiders consider the best speaker today, the Q7. People who don't have the money to buy a pair of Magico because it makes them feel they are not missing anything.

If you want to have WBF gain more credibility, and allow more civilized discussions, why do you let manufacturers directly targeting products of competitors with negative statement as a way to sell their products? I have been a customer of Jonathan for several years, and am still happily using some of his excellent products (Dartzeel amp), but I have to say that the type of guerrilla marketing he has been using recently is not very inspirational. This doesn't make me willing to spend a lot of time on this website, and a lot of money for the products he distributes... I appreciate when manufacturers talk about their design, where they spent money and what they are trying to achieve... but of course it is much more difficult than bashing competitors.
WBF should be about people sharing their PERSONAL experience about products they listened to or lived with. It is a way for audiophiles to discover new products they never had the chance to hear. I much prefer Magico over Wilson, but I don't post about it because the last time I owned a pair was more than 8 years ago, so my personal experience is not relevant. I post on Magico and on EA, because I owned both, listened to them in the same room, and have therefore a relevant data point for potential buyers. I post on other speakers brands I liked when auditioning at dealers or at shows (Rockport, Giya, TAD...), but I mention it when it was in shows conditions (i.e., not so reliable).

Right now i have a pair of S1 and a pair of Q1. Both of them are vastly superior to the EA MM3 I sold 6mths ago: quality of fabrication, transient, imaging, precision, accurateness of tones. Only criteria on which the EA is superior is of course the lower octave (different driver size!). So I am sorry for people who believe they discovered with the latest EA the magic product who beats it all:
- there is a reason why Magico spends 30 times more on enclosure manufacturing vs. a basic MDF (not including the cost of anodizing finish which I estimate at more than USD1300)
- there is a reason why they use neodymium magnet vs standard ferrite (20 times cheaper)
- there is a reason why they use a beryllium tweeter 4-5 times more expensive than the one of the micro, which looks a lot like a Chinese version of the cheap Mundorf tweeter (around 60USd for the Mundorf one I believe).
- there is a reason why the Mundorf crossover components of the Q1 cost more than the full bill of material of the Micro.
- there is a reason why manufacturing in China costs less than US, and why some companies like Magico don't want to move production in China
- there is a reason why Magico developed their own woofer rather than using a standard Accuton that you can probably source for 4 or 5 times less.
- there is a reason why Magico went from a garage shop to one of the industry leaders in less than 5-7 years. They invest in R&D and in better components, they design the whole speaker by themselves, to get better sound. This costs money.
In my job I do a lot of product tear down for redesign to cost for (big) consumer electronics players. The level of sophistication of Magico designs is crazy expensive, but it translates into better sounds because they don't make compromises. I am ready to bet that Jonathan makes much more margin on a pair of MM3 than Magico on a pair of Q1. Happy to do a tear down if somebody wants to donate his speaker ;-)

Not to say that the Micro is a bad speaker (it is a good one), but there are no miracle. Based on what I heard twice at CES, it competes well with 4-5k speakers (because they sell direct and you are therefore saving on distributor margin). I believe it is better than my 2k pair of Usher Dancer, but that's it. It even doesn't compete with a S1, by far, and whoever disagrees with this statement is welcomed to visit me and bring his micro to do a side by side comparison in my dedicated, fully treated room.
Now it is time to go back to listening to some music...

that is not terribly unusual as we all log in from many devices and quite often from different locations as well as using dynamic rather than a static IP address but what I did find curious was IP addresses from all over the continental USA as well as Alaska and extending to countries in Europe and many of these use proxy servers to hide the identity of the user

So what sayest you PhillipK. Tell us what your industry affiliation is per our TOS

Steve, I suggest you look again into the TOR network we've discussed before - https://www.torproject.org/? and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network) - and the ways I mentioned a couple of years ago to identify the exit hosts; such anonymity networks should be a violation of the TOS. I am particularly interested in your findings as I am about to put an order in for the Q3, and this is going to have to wait for now. I have confronted apparent Magico staff on audiogon in the past and it looks to me they've now moved over here.
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Steve, I suggest you look again into the TOR network we've discussed before - https://www.torproject.org/? and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network) - and the ways I mentioned a couple of years ago to identify the exit hosts; such anonymity networks should be a violation of the TOS. I am particularly interested in your findings as I am about to put an order in for the Q3, and this is going to have to wait for now. I have confronted apparent Magico staff on audiogon in the past and it looks to me they've now moved over here.


For what it's worth, I am not a Magico employee, but I'm very impressed by their speakers.
I've put in an order for the Q7, and I've had the Q3 and Q1 on loan here for a while.
The Q3 was simply the best speaker I've ever heard in my room, bar none. Absolutely addictive.
I try to tone down my enthusiams for the brands I like, exactly for this reason. Sometimes honest enthusiasm can be mistaken for veiled interest. I'm not naive, and I don't pretend this thing doesn't happen, here or elsewhere (more frequently elsewhere :) ), but sometimes, like in stereo's case, we just like what we like, and we're keen to let other people in on our discovery.

Great speakers indeed. But with respect to their staff and especially some of their dealers, I have some serious doubts; so let me just assure you that I had a PRETTY bad experience last week and had to send direct threats to one of their dealers, copying Magico staff. BTW, I could care even less about EA and its marketing techniques, which include directed attacks at Magico in this thread.
I understand your policy and I don't know PhilipK. But it seems you are particularly paranoid about anybody posting positive comments on Magico.
I remember when I signed up for the first time to share my impressions on my Q1, it didn't take 10 days to get a private email from you stating that my profile was suspicious... I don't know, do you have the same policy with the tons of people posting enthusiastic messages on Wilson? Did you ask the same to Champ04 who is posting enthusiastic statements on all EA products, with technical comparisons against Q1 which don't make any sense?.
Also, did you do anything to mike Lavigne after he sent me a threatening email when I dared posting that I preferred much more my Q1 than the Evolution Acoustics MM3 I had for 4 years before? Did you impose him to disclose the nature of his relationship with Jonathan? Is there anybody naive enough to believe he pays full price on his equipments, 90% coming from Jonathan?
It is good to have forum rules but we should apply them consistently across the board.

It seems to me that Magico being the most innovative player of the past 6 years, a lot of people are targeting them: Wilson fans for fearing that Wilson will lose their leadership. People like Jonathan because it is a cheap marketing strategy to target the industry reference and have unsubstantiated claims that their 3k mdf speaker is better than what a lot of industry insiders consider the best speaker today, the Q7. People who don't have the money to buy a pair of Magico because it makes them feel they are not missing anything.

If you want to have WBF gain more credibility, and allow more civilized discussions, why do you let manufacturers directly targeting products of competitors with negative statement as a way to sell their products? I have been a customer of Jonathan for several years, and am still happily using some of his excellent products (Dartzeel amp), but I have to say that the type of guerrilla marketing he has been using recently is not very inspirational. This doesn't make me willing to spend a lot of time on this website, and a lot of money for the products he distributes... I appreciate when manufacturers talk about their design, where they spent money and what they are trying to achieve... but of course it is much more difficult than bashing competitors.
WBF should be about people sharing their PERSONAL experience about products they listened to or lived with. It is a way for audiophiles to discover new products they never had the chance to hear. I much prefer Magico over Wilson, but I don't post about it because the last time I owned a pair was more than 8 years ago, so my personal experience is not relevant. I post on Magico and on EA, because I owned both, listened to them in the same room, and have therefore a relevant data point for potential buyers. I post on other speakers brands I liked when auditioning at dealers or at shows (Rockport, Giya, TAD...), but I mention it when it was in shows conditions (i.e., not so reliable).

Right now i have a pair of S1 and a pair of Q1. Both of them are vastly superior to the EA MM3 I sold 6mths ago: quality of fabrication, transient, imaging, precision, accurateness of tones. Only criteria on which the EA is superior is of course the lower octave (different driver size!). So I am sorry for people who believe they discovered with the latest EA the magic product who beats it all:
- there is a reason why Magico spends 30 times more on enclosure manufacturing vs. a basic MDF (not including the cost of anodizing finish which I estimate at more than USD1300)
- there is a reason why they use neodymium magnet vs standard ferrite (20 times cheaper)
- there is a reason why they use a beryllium tweeter 4-5 times more expensive than the one of the micro, which looks a lot like a Chinese version of the cheap Mundorf tweeter (around 60USd for the Mundorf one I believe).
- there is a reason why the Mundorf crossover components of the Q1 cost more than the full bill of material of the Micro.
- there is a reason why manufacturing in China costs less than US, and why some companies like Magico don't want to move production in China
- there is a reason why Magico developed their own woofer rather than using a standard Accuton that you can probably source for 4 or 5 times less.
- there is a reason why Magico went from a garage shop to one of the industry leaders in less than 5-7 years. They invest in R&D and in better components, they design the whole speaker by themselves, to get better sound. This costs money.
In my job I do a lot of product tear down for redesign to cost for (big) consumer electronics players. The level of sophistication of Magico designs is crazy expensive, but it translates into better sounds because they don't make compromises. I am ready to bet that Jonathan makes much more margin on a pair of MM3 than Magico on a pair of Q1. Happy to do a tear down if somebody wants to donate his speaker ;-)

Not to say that the Micro is a bad speaker (it is a good one), but there are no miracle. Based on what I heard twice at CES, it competes well with 4-5k speakers (because they sell direct and you are therefore saving on distributor margin). I believe it is better than my 2k pair of Usher Dancer, but that's it. It even doesn't compete with a S1, by far, and whoever disagrees with this statement is welcomed to visit me and bring his micro to do a side by side comparison in my dedicated, fully treated room.
Now it is time to go back to listening to some music...


I am not the least bit paranoid about posting anything positive about Magico. Simply put I have heard the speakers and find them wonderful. What I do have a problem with is someone registering with a nom de plum and then with literally every post made has comments about Magico. Many of us found that odd until we delved deeper.It is because of such things that we at WBF felt that in order to establish a level playing field we mandated full disclosure by anyone member involved in the industry in any way shape or form. Everyone else has complied because frankly it is no big deal. This way if a person makes comments on a public board, I am sure all of us would give more credence to a post by a member in the industry rather than a nom de plum.

FWIW, I know Alon and like him. He has been to my house with his partner Yaier several years ago to take measurements in my room prior to his releasing the Q series (as I guess he wanted to see how my speakers measure as compared to perhaps those which he had in the pipeline BUT the admin team takes a hard stance when we discover things such as this. I would bet that if a certain AW joined as "AW" and made his points he would garner a whole lot more respect to take the time to post as himself than under an alias. Wouldn't you place more trust and belief in such posts. I would

BTW because I own Wilson doesn't mean I allow any special leeway. Champ is a real member with real opinions. As for your notion of "gorilla advertising" I as well as the entire admin team are aware of the issues you raise and it has become a hot item for us because if anything, a hot topic on any forum will create instant gorilla advertising. The issue has become how to isolate someone's opinion on something from someone else who is giving more than an opinion but does have a pony in the race. We find this to be a very fine line in making proper determinations but to say again, I have absolutely no problems with anything positive about Magico as once again I believe it to be one of the best companies in the industry. Had anyone from Wilson registerd under a nom de plum my reaction would have been exactly the same

Heck Debie Wilson posts here and elsewhere as an enthousiastic Wilson Audio member
I've had a dealer attack a product he carried just to sell me another one he carried. Top that! LOL!
........Also, did you do anything to mike Lavigne after he sent me a threatening email when I dared posting that I preferred much more my Q1 than the Evolution Acoustics MM3 I had for 4 years before? Did you impose him to disclose the nature of his relationship with Jonathan? Is there anybody naive enough to believe he pays full price on his equipments, 90% coming from Jonathan?
It is good to have forum rules but we should apply them consistently across the board........


since you brought it up, i suppose it's ok to post my supposed 'threat' to you.

Re: i guess we take the gloves off

Originally Posted by Mike Lavigne----too bad it has to get like this.

Stereo-not sure what you are talking about?

Me--your last 2 posts....

Stereo--1) I removed the mention about room becoming a private JT showroom - even if it is unfortunately the truth. I would prefer if you use also other products, because you would give us more credible insights: don't make me believe that only JT makes good products.... And if what I wrote is true, you should be more explicit in your posts on the nature of your relationship with him.
2) On MM3 vs. Q: I owned both, and I am free to share my opinion across both. You are free to disagree. Even if you never heard the Q serie outside of a show.
3) I don't like getting threatened. i'm not threatening anything. but if you attack i get sucked into responding whether i like it or not. once started crap escalates.

Me--but i would never (1) make personal comments about you other than purely positive, and (2) go on your Magico Q7 thread and make negative comments, particualrly when you have never heard the MM7's. you are only mostly repeating earlier comments you have made about Evolution anyway. notice that i was even asked to comment on your Q7 thread and ignored it becuase i don't think it is right to say anything on your thread which could be inferred as less than positive.

a little history.

some years ago when Stereo was interested in buying MM3's he wanted to listen to them. so i invited Stereo to visit me on a trip to the USA. i picked him up from the airport, brought to my home for a listen, we had dinner, and i drove him back to the airport. he ended up buying MM3's. we had very respectful communications over the years. then when he was trying to sell his MM3's to a gentleman in Toronto he referred this guy to talk to me to vouch for him as the guy was nervous about wiring around $25k to this 'guy he did not know overseas'. i assured him that he could trust Stereo. the guy wired the money.

so far so good.

when the guy recieved the speakers he found small hairline cracks in the surface of the MM3's on the back along the amplifier section from the birch ply flexing from the temp change in the flight over from Europe. Stereo wanted Evolution to pay for the repair. the speakers were 5 years old and had been shipped on airplanes from US to Asia, then to Europe, and now to Canada. So Evolution said they would do any work at their cost but it was not covered. it was purely cosmetic anyway, simply cracks in the clear coat.

in any case; now not only is Evolution Stereo's enemy but so am i.

all i was trying to do with my PM was to lower the conflict. i expected that after the courtesy's i had extended to Stereo that i had enough of a relationship to ask for him to back off on me a little since i did not want to get into a public back and forth. he decided it was in his best interests to go into attack mode and make me the bad guy.

you can read the results of his campaigne accross many forums. he is a man that is angry.
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this has obviously touched a nerve with many people. If you want someone to blame, go ahead and blame me. This thread is now getting way OT and unless we stop with the personal stuff it would be best to close this thread.

My point is simple.....in the exchange of information here or anywhere on the internet, knowing someone's involvement in the industry creates an environment where trust and understanding can follow. Deception is not what we want.. We also don't feel that it is too much to ask members to divulge their affiliations

this has obviously touched a nerve with many people. If you want someone to blame, go ahead and blame me. This thread is now getting way OT and unless we stop with the personal stuff it would be best to close this thread.

My point is simple.....in the exchange of information here or anywhere on the internet, knowing someone's involvement in the industry creates an environment where trust and understanding can follow. Deception is not what we want.. We also don't feel that it is too much to ask members to divulge their affiliations

Makes sense. But if you leave manufacturers (or their pseudo affiliate) making direct attacks on a competitor without any facts base, for sure things will get out of control, and you will get other people (like me) jumping in to post their own opinion and defend the brand they like. I agree with you that it brings value to have manufacturers posting here, but manufacturers should focus on their own design (like the Wilson team is doing), bringing insights on what they tried to achieve, rather than making random attacks at competitors. Implementing such a policy would make this place much more civilized and useful. Wdyt?

all i was trying to do with my PM was to lower the conflict. i expected that after the courtesy's i had extended to Jean Frederick that i had enough of a relationship to ask for him to back off on me a little since i did not want to get into a public back and forth. he decided it was in his best interests to go into attack mode and make me the bad guy.

you can read the results of his campaigne accross many forums. he is a man that is angry.
If you are really trying to "lower the conflict" don't send PM with a title like "I guess we take the gloves off".
I am not angry, I am not on a journey against anybody and I post very rarely on other forums. I am just reacting to direct attack from an OEM or its affiliate on a brand I own and respect a lot. I advise you to read again my posts - just above I wrote again that the Micro is a good speaker and that it competes with speakers more than its price. The fact that it is just not a 185k or even a 12k speaker doesn't make a bad speaker. Similarly, read my posts here on on Audiogon (stereotaipei), you will see that I stated several time that the MM3 is a very good speaker, and that I enjoyed it a lot for 4 years (asides the quality of manufacturing). The fact that IMHO my Q1 sounds much more accurate don't make the MM3 suddenly a bad speaker, and there are still a lot of speakers at 30-40k which sound worse than the MM3.
I wrote on several forums how much I like the Dartzeel amp which is distributed by Jonathan. And I wrote on this forum that you welcomed me as a gentleman.

I am particularly interested in your findings as I am about to put an order in for the Q3, and this is going to have to wait for now. I have confronted apparent Magico staff on audiogon in the past and it looks to me they've now moved over here.
Ack, I am sure you are not ordering your new new speakers based on what you read on forums! I rather vote with my ears ;-)
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