I see the most value in EVs as short-range city cars. That's what I want but the closest to that is a Leaf and they are still nearly $40k before rebates!
I might just get a used one with a diminished battery for next to nothing, a 50 mile range is enough for most days. This is what the Leaf gets right, imo... One Tesla contains enough battery and motor to make several Leafs. Their cost new and the inferior batteries are the big issues, but used ones get cheap quick!
we sell 2-3 used Nissan Leaf's a month for $10k-$12k. these are 2-4 years old. they are glorified golf carts with a body.
but for a 30-50 mile daily commuter car they fit the bill.
that's what an electric car for the masses looks like. and i can tell you that is why Honda is committed to Hybrids for another 10 years. electrics don't pencil at volume market prices without heavy legislative support. which is not something they can count on.
would you bet your company on a political outcome? i'm debriefed every year by Honda's D.C. lobbyist on this subject, and it's a sticky wicket. unlikely there will be more Tax Credits coming for electrics; there is just not enough push from any direction for it from constituents. so congress has no will to make it happen.
the Chinese and Northern European political models don't apply here. the government does not own companies or sit on Board's of Directors.
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