German WW2 tubes marked as Wehrmacht


Active Member
May 31, 2023
Hi, Quick question for the tubes experts, would a tube marked as Wehrmacht be the same spec as the "retail" version? Is there any real significance of the Wehrmacht marking? Thx!
I imagine the Wehrmacht version would have been carefully tested to ensure reliability. Failure while fighting a tank battle in North Africa could mean a death sentence to whoever was responsible !
I would imagine the Wehrmacht version would have been carefully tested to ensure reliability. Failure while fighting a tank battle in North Africa could mean a death sentence to whoever was responsible !
BTW, I have a bunch of Siemens Sikatrop caps produced for the Nazi German army that still measures perfectly after they have been in use for 70+ years. I guess Hitler intended for his empire to last.
BTW, I have a bunch of Siemens Sikatrop caps produced for the Nazi German army that still measures perfectly after they have been in use for 70+ years. I guess Hitler intended for his empire to last.
Siemens Sikatrop - that must have been for the SS - Sorry :rolleyes:
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