The problem is that lots of people don't see it that way, and lots of people who don't see it that way are digital lovers who have had their feelings hurt by the harsh things he has said against digital. So basically, MF is a polarizing figure in high-end audio. You have to remember that many people who love digital think it blows all analog in the weeds (even if their digital that blows analog in the weeds was sourced from analog). So they think people who proclaim that analog sounds better than digital are looney.
I was surprised at how quickly people jumped all over MF's room and pronounced it as a mess and saying it couldn't possibly sound good. And yet, and yet, not one of those people have been to MF's listening room and heard his setup. One guy on this forum who 'knows' his room nodes has declared that MF's room couldn't possibly sound good. Eyeball science is a wonderful thing.
My point to all of this is don't waste your breath and keystrokes trying to convince people on this forum that Fremer is "one of the good guys in this hobby." To many, he is the enemy. Even the fact that he wears his glasses while listening is under scrutiny now. And as if we couldn't possibly be anymore polarizing on this forum and in this hobby, some people are trying to start a movement to separate those who drink alcohol from those that don't because those that don't drink alcohol can hear better.
I thought I saw a hearing aid on the table!