Hi Norm,
Thanks for the headsup! I have a bunch of updates but was waiting for stuff to be resolved before posting all together. But since you asked:
If you guys remember, my initial problem was that the volume level was too low, which I had posted about. That was a side effect of my having it "optimized" for 242. However, my preamp does not overload or distort with my Big 7 and 242. As it was supplied, there was a 3.3kOhm padding resistor across the WBT RCA outs. Lukasz told me to just cut them off, which was pretty easy to do.
That got the volume back up to where it was on the Big 7 with the same tube type. However, I noticed then that the load meter on my Pass XA30.8 would start moving right with moderate volumes showing load. It NEVER does or should since my Westminster GRs are 99dB sensitive. Then my preamp (the buffered Hornshoppe Truth preamp) crapped out... very odd.
I measured the DC output just to see, and found that it drifted down very slowly from a high value and didn't seem to settle down near zero. Lukasz of course tells me the solution without explaining the details, asking me to solder resistors across the output (as you surmised Mark). From what I can gather, through my conversations with the lead engineer of Pass Labs, if your downstream component has very high impedance (my preamp has a impedance too high to measure), the absence of a "load" due to the high impedance either causes D.C. drift or oscillation (I think the former).
So, soldering 270K resistors across the outputs - perfect solution - now it plays like it should, appropriate volume, no artifacts. I bought a bunch of expensive resistors to try, including $40/each nude Vishays and have the silver Tantalum ones you clued me in (Mark) on order. Right now I have cheap but relatively good Draloric resistors as a test.
This was relatively easy to do, with the tricky part being getting the RCA jacks OUT of the back of the chassis. The WBT jacks have back ends that screw off but takes quite a bit of finger strength (I used a thick rubber sheet and channel lock pliers). There is a tool you can buy from WBT but it's $60...
Then getting the jacks out from inside the chassis was tricky as I said, because it's a tight space and there are some transformers (or some piece I can't identify) right behind the jacks. The lower one is too deep to solder (at least for me). After they popped out, soldering the resistors was pretty straightforward with a set of helping hand tools.
More next post. This was all very fascinating to me and I love learning about what's under the hood. Being able to work on my GG makes me feel so much closer to it (I like to tinker).
So Yeang,
Now that you have had a few weeks with your recently upgraded GG (is it really a GG2), can you give us hungry masses some feedback on SQ improvements you have noticed?
As you see there will be a big Pacific launch event in Sarasota mid October, and until then not many people have the actual experience with the latest Lampi dac evolutionary steps. I will be there in Fla then to hear what the Pac buzz is all about, but until then perhaps you can drop some tidbits?
Finally, will you upgrade server to the SuperKomputer2? Feedback from 2 sources in the UK has been VERY compelling and price should be about $8.5K or so in the US.