if you have lived then you should know that
a. the toothpaste thing is marketing nonsense
b. on the woman front try learning to cook..try taking responsibilty for your own emtional welfare..oh and if a woman is properly turned on(not her job lol) iv found this point about being good between the sheets mute.
ask your self what do you do for them
c. audio choice is hard because we are all hidiously self indulgent to a quite unnatural degre.
d. indepth thought is a product of luxury where what could happen has replaced what must. again its self indulgent.
blizzard deals in absolutes on this forum not because he lacks lifes finer nauance imo but because it can be a useful tool.
all good fun as you point out but a kernal of truth remains
passive agressive hobnob anyone
Spaz, I was only having a bit of fun. This thread is disappearing up it's own jacksie as fast as you can say "analog and tubes measure worse than digital and SS".
Toothpaste, I always buy the one on special offer. Women, I'm glad to say I've made a balanced choice (checking out objective measurements and subjective experience), I run a self employed business so in-depth thought a pre-requisite for success.
Absolutes in life are great where they are relevant - making sure you look both ways when crossing the road etc.
Blizz feels they are all the way thru audio, and he may be right in many cases. But until that magic box arrives on my doorstep, already programmed in w/multiple tube signatures and competing amp signatures, this is very much a pissing in the wind exercise.
To provoke further exasperation from the skeptics by saying tube fanatics, and owners of competing amps, will help him w/his signatures' programming, is taking these flights of fantasy to where the air is so thin you can't breathe anymore.