Great article on "Analogue Warmth"

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Getting the sound profiles won't be something you will have to worry about.

Loadspeaker load can be simulated. Do you think every single speaker you connect a SET amp up to subjects the amp to the same load?

>>> no I don't - that is the darned point I am trying to make to you so please don't ask it back at me!!

No, but I can bet there's an optimum load condition where the amp performs at its peak.

>>> peak of what? The least distortion / heat / efficiency OR sounds best. It is subjective if the latter. I don't dispute the former.

This is the conditions the measurements will be pulled under. So the reproduction under all loads from any speaker will sound like the SET under the best conditions.

>>> Therefore you can't claim you sell an emulation of any SET amp. You are merely modelling a static profile. Substituting the real thing will NOT sound the same

>>> one last point - you seem to be saying that dsd 256 is required for this sonic transparency as you have extolled on so many threads - how will you use dsd FIR filters t achieve this?

Only not lacking low end drive.
Getting the sound profiles won't be something you will have to worry about.

Loadspeaker load can be simulated. Do you think every single speaker you connect a SET amp up to subjects the amp to the same load?

>>> no I don't - that is the darned point I am trying to make to you so please don't ask it back at me!!

No, but I can bet there's an optimum load condition where the amp performs at its peak.

>>> peak of what? The least distortion / heat / efficiency OR sounds best. It is subjective if the latter. I don't dispute the former.

This is the conditions the measurements will be pulled under. So the reproduction under all loads from any speaker will sound like the SET under the best conditions.

>>> Therefore you can't claim you sell an emulation of any SET amp. You are merely modelling a static profile. Substituting the real thing will NOT sound the same

>>> one last point - you seem to be saying that dsd 256 is required for this sonic transparency as you have extolled on so many threads - how will you use dsd FIR filters t achieve this?

Only not lacking low end drive.

Well I guess it will be up to the people who try it to decide if it sucks or not. When you run a full gamut of tests on an amp, you can easily find out which load conditions the amps are must comfortable at. You wouldn't take the measurement under conditions where the amps are heavily distorting and compressing. If you ever seen amp measurement graphs, you might understand.

The DSD 256 topic was completely different. Unrelated to this system. It's just to show that the sound of tube gear can be cloned, and played back on transparent solid state gear and sound indistinguishable from the tube source it came from. This proves that tubes, and or any colored audio gear can be emulated in the digital domain.

If it works for R2R tape, it will work for any source. Whether it's mic feeds, 8 track player, tube DAC's etc.
Well I guess it will be up to the people who try it to decide if it sucks or not.

The DSD 256 topic was completely different. Unrelated to this system. It's just to show that the sound of tube gear can be cloned, and played back on transparent solid state gear and sound indistinguishable from the tube source it came from. This proves that tubes, and or any colored audio gear can be emulated in the digital domain.

But these two points are inextricably linked. If the only way to faithfully capture the source is via quad dsd on a Horus (for example) and your proposed system relies on a fully transparent chain, then the only file type to suffice for this is surely dsd256?
This is the conditions the measurements will be pulled under. So the reproduction under all loads from any speaker will sound like the SET under the best conditions.

>>> Therefore you can't claim you sell an emulation of any SET amp. You are merely modelling a static profile. Substituting the real thing will NOT sound the same

Precisely. Interesting that Blizzard missed that obvious point.
But these two points are inextricably linked. If the only way to faithfully capture the source is via quad dsd on a Horus (for example) and your proposed system relies on a fully transparent chain, then the only file type to suffice for this is surely dsd256?

Like I said its completely unrelated. It was an example to show that SS gear can indeed sound identical to R2R, Tube DAC's, 8 track players, mic feeds, etc. This gear doesn't need to be physically in the system for the electronics to be able to reproduce their exact sound. It can be in the digital domain.
Precisely. Interesting that Blizzard missed that obvious point.

No it will be superior, because at all volume and load levels, you will hear the sweet sound of the SET amps when they are sounding their best. Hook it up to a pair of apogee's and crank up to 110db's and hear that SET sound as clear as ever.
I find that as I get older, so many interesting compromises arise in the simplest of life's decisions.
Toothpaste - one brand great for preventing decay, one for whitening, one for bad breath. Hmm, none do all three.
Dating a woman - one great between the sheets, one in the kitchen, the other for emotional support. Hmm, few do all three (***LADIES, DON'T HIT THE MESSENGER***lol!)
EVERY simple choice I have to make has to have in-depth thought, so little if anything in life is just a no-brainer in every respect.
Audio? Some of the toughest choices out there.
That's why I wonder Blizzard if you're out of high school yet :rolleyes::cool:.
The way you argue is like the kid who can eat between meals and think he can maintain his appetite
And believes that you can have it all w/amplification, every sound re tube/every brand can just be reduced to an algorythm, that what a swathe of a'fools love and find irreplaceable is a simple distortion, that can just be copied and pasted.
I admire people who just think the world is black and white, it makes getting up in the morning and getting thru the day just so dead simple. Other people who fret over such irrelevances must be totally confusing to you.

Blizz, these comments are made in light-hearted jest, but there remains a kernel of seriousness in what I'm saying.
I'm afraid I have to turn away from this thread if all I'm going to be told is that the SET magic, tubes in general, is JUST distortion. I'm happy to accept a good proportion is, but to in effect be told I'm just 100% misled by grunge is just plain insulting, and I'm sure I speak for many.
EVERY God damn show I go to, the sound in every Class D/Hi Rez room leaves me cold, those rooms w.tubes/vinyl always draw me in. Often i leave because the sound doesn't QUITE do it for me, but I'm always on a journey. The room w/SS/Hi Rez that works, one per show, is often spectacular, and i stay, but i don't detect any magic, and I leave the show convinced more than ever that no matter the shortcomings, tubes/vinyl just delivers the message, not just a portrayal by the messengers.

So, as I say, I'll bow out until someone w/a bit more rationality blended w/"life is complicated/never black and white" comes along to get this thread back on track.

Good luck w/your simplistic view of life - I hope it serves you well in relationships, money decisions, voting intentions, choice to be religious/what religion/any religion at all etc. LOL

Marc, you and I are just unlucky that our ears are not as good as Blizzard's ears. Think how nice it would be if we loved the timbral thinness and unnaturalness of 0s and 1s powered by the awesome power supply switching noise of class D amplification, and think about how much money we would save?
Marc, you and I are just unlucky that our ears are not as good as Blizzard's ears. Think how nice it would be if we loved the timbral thinness and unnaturalness of 0s and 1s powered by the awesome power supply switching noise of class D amplification, and think about how much money we would save?

Well there needs to be some guys supporting the tube gear manufacturers. If not, where would the coloration profiles come from in the future? We need artists to make the templates :)
Like I said its completely unrelated. It was an example to show that SS gear can indeed sound identical to R2R, Tube DAC's, 8 track players, mic feeds, etc. This gear doesn't need to be physically in the system for the electronics to be able to reproduce their exact sound. It can be in the digital domain.

You are recording the ANALOGUE outputs of a SET amp. If you don't do this with a Horus with dsd256, then by your admission it will not be transparent to the source.
+1! But I diverge on jazz - here LP rules, and by a still wide margin! I am not an expert in jazz, and found that many recordings I can enjoy in LP lack rhythm and melody in CD.

In an age-old discussion that regularly borders on science fiction, this is one of the most mysterious things that gets said. For me, it's like trying to unravel the mysteries of The Guild from Dune. But of course that is science fiction, and we're talking about the real world here. Perhaps you could start a thread in the measurements-based forum where we could explore the specific shortcomings of your digital system that somehow manage to remove the rhythm and melody from your recordings. What's left, by the way?

Personally my 100% digital setup with 100% discrete class A transistor signal path and class D amplification, has all the warmth I could ever ask for. . . .

As Al wrote clearly and perceptively in post #2 of this thread believing that analog is simply about "warmth" reflects a misunderstanding of why many members here prefer analog.
As Al wrote clearly and perceptively in post #2 of this thread believing that analog is simply about "warmth" reflects a misunderstanding of why many members here prefer analog.

Many members prefer analog, because they haven't heard the next generation of digital yet. That combined with good old fashioned stubbornness.
Marc, you and I are just unlucky that our ears are not as good as Blizzard's ears. Think how nice it would be if we loved the timbral thinness and unnaturalness of 0s and 1s

Depends on how they are decoded, but of course you know that this would be my reply.
Well there needs to be some guys supporting the tube gear manufacturers. If not, where would the coloration profiles come from in the future? We need artists to make the templates :)

Can I vote myself for this role? Please. Please!
The only prob, is that I'll be so mesmerised by the sounds I'm hearing, I just won't have the time to "cut and paste" those samples to the magic box, and send it back to you sounding as far away from real music as it's possible. Too bad for your business model.

Btw, once you're done w/audio, maybe it's time for you to clone the perfect woman, make fast food taste like Haute Cuisine in pill form, make voting for one party the natural thing to do. Put it this way, if you can make Class D INDISTINGUISHABLE from the most intimate SET sound, the rest of these will be child's play :b
Many members prefer analog, because they haven't heard the next generation of digital yet. That combined with good old fashioned stubbornness.

Of course you have no clue what those who have heard top-level analog are talking about, because you haven't heard any (hint: top-level analog is really, really pricey, but I have been fortunate enough to hear it in other well set-up systems).

Please spare us your ignorance.

And yes, I remain a digital-only guy for a number of reasons, but at least I know what the 'analog guys' are talking about.
As Al wrote clearly and perceptively in post #2 of this thread believing that analog is simply about "warmth" reflects a misunderstanding of why many members here prefer analog.

I think we're hung up on semantics. Some see "warmth" as a derogatory term; some see it as flattering. It is universally used but far from universally defined. Could you take a shot at telling us what you prefer about analog in more substantive terms? The preferred analog format, vinyl, certainly sounds different from digital. Does analog reproduction have a different FR profile than digital? Different imaging/channel separation? Different dynamic range? Different attack/decay characteristics? There seems to be something "more' here. What is it?

The whole argument is ridiculous. That we can, or should, try to capture the essence of analogue playback using digital technology is fairly silly - because we don't know that 'the magic' of analogue playback is anything but expectation bias, nor do we know that it isn't a careful tradeoff of one primitive technology against another, nor do we know that it isn't down to 'selective' choices of recordings.

But then failing to fully analyse the analogue playback system is even sillier. For example, one of the main contributors to the 'valve sound' could well be the highly-measurable phenomenon of microphony i.e. acoustic feedback from the speakers to the valves. This will be dependent on resonances in the room, so even if your model captures it, you can't make it work in a different room or even in the same room with different humidity or temperature or a change in the furniture. Ditto vinyl and feedback through the arm.
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