I find that as I get older, so many interesting compromises arise in the simplest of life's decisions.
Toothpaste - one brand great for preventing decay, one for whitening, one for bad breath. Hmm, none do all three.
Dating a woman - one great between the sheets, one in the kitchen, the other for emotional support. Hmm, few do all three (***LADIES, DON'T HIT THE MESSENGER***lol!)
EVERY simple choice I have to make has to have in-depth thought, so little if anything in life is just a no-brainer in every respect.
Audio? Some of the toughest choices out there.
That's why I wonder Blizzard if you're out of high school yet

The way you argue is like the kid who can eat between meals and think he can maintain his appetite
And believes that you can have it all w/amplification, every sound re tube/every brand can just be reduced to an algorythm, that what a swathe of a'fools love and find irreplaceable is a simple distortion, that can just be copied and pasted.
I admire people who just think the world is black and white, it makes getting up in the morning and getting thru the day just so dead simple. Other people who fret over such irrelevances must be totally confusing to you.
Blizz, these comments are made in light-hearted jest, but there remains a kernel of seriousness in what I'm saying.
I'm afraid I have to turn away from this thread if all I'm going to be told is that the SET magic, tubes in general, is JUST distortion. I'm happy to accept a good proportion is, but to in effect be told I'm just 100% misled by grunge is just plain insulting, and I'm sure I speak for many.
EVERY God damn show I go to, the sound in every Class D/Hi Rez room leaves me cold, those rooms w.tubes/vinyl always draw me in. Often i leave because the sound doesn't QUITE do it for me, but I'm always on a journey. The room w/SS/Hi Rez that works, one per show, is often spectacular, and i stay, but i don't detect any magic, and I leave the show convinced more than ever that no matter the shortcomings, tubes/vinyl just delivers the message, not just a portrayal by the messengers.
So, as I say, I'll bow out until someone w/a bit more rationality blended w/"life is complicated/never black and white" comes along to get this thread back on track.
Good luck w/your simplistic view of life - I hope it serves you well in relationships, money decisions, voting intentions, choice to be religious/what religion/any religion at all etc. LOL