In the 11th post of this thread, Diapason wonders why truly flat sounds bright. I believe the reason may have to do with high frequency absorption by air. Out where the audience sits, the highs have been attenuated somewhat by passing through a lot of air. Up where the microphones (usually) are, those highs are still in full force. So when what the microphones picked up is reproduced through a "flat" system, it sounds bright to most of us. It is less likely to sound bright to a musician who is used to listening at the source.
Okay, what causes harshness? Improperly used dome tweeters. But explaining how and why will take a few paragraphs. And this won't be an all-encompassing answer of course, but hopefully it will describe one possible source of harshness.
First, let's take a look a set of equal-loudness curves:
Where the curves dip lowest is where the ear is most sensitive. While the exact shape of these curves changes with level, we can clearly see that the ear is especially sensitive in the 2-5 kHz region, with sensitivity peaking at about 4 kHz. Just so happens this is the region where excess energy is often described as "harshness". So, how does this excess energy sneak into our systems?
I said earlier that improperly used dome tweeters were the culprit. In my opinion that's often where this excess energy in the 2-5 kHz region comes from, even if they measure perfectly flat through that region. How is that possible? Because that "perfectly flat" curve is an on-axis curve, and the excess energy is happening off-axis. Let me describe what's happening using an example:
Suppose we have a 6.5" two-way with our ubiquitous 1" dome tweeter, crossover frequency 2.5 kHz. At the crossover frequency, the woofer is just starting to beam - that is, its radiation pattern has narrowed to about 90 degrees (-6 dB limits). But the 1" dome tweeter wants to be nearly omnidirectional, because its diaphragm is so small in relation to a wavelength. Well the baffle keeps that from happening, acting as a 180 degree "horn" if you will, but the tweeter still has strong off-axis energy to the sides. And that strong off-axis energy holds up quite well from the crossover point up to ballpark 5 kHz. So we have excess off-axis energy in that 2-5 kHz region, which is the worst place for us to have excess energy.
Now maybe you're thinking, just treat the room and absorb it. The problem is, acoustically absorptive material is much more effective at absorbing shorter wavelengths than longer ones. So we are likely to end up with a room that is dead because we've killed all the high frequency reverberant energy, but haven't done as good a job of absorbing the energy in that 2-5 kHz lower treble region.
One possible solution would be to listen nearfield, such that the direct sound is much louder than the reverberant sound. Nearfield listening has its plusses and minuses, and is not my first choice, but it is a useful work-around for excess off-axis energy at the bottom end of the tweeter's range. In a "normal" setup most of the energy that reaches our ears is reverberant field energy, so the reverberant field has a very strong effect on perceived tonal balance, but nearfield listening in effect turns up the volume of the direct or first-arrival sound, so that it dominates the perceived tonal balance.
Imo a better solution, if you don't want to use a nearfield setup, is to design in an on-axis dip in that lower treble region, which will reduce the excess off-axis energy from the tweeter's wide-at-the-bottom radiation pattern. This is of course a compromise, but so was that nice flat on-axis response - we just didn't realize it at the time.
Unfortunately it is not possible for our hypothetical 6.5" two-way to have the correct spectral balance on-axis and off-axis at the same time. In order to accomplish that, we need a tweeter section that has
constant directivity, or close to it. If we can keep the tweeter's pattern from flaring at the bottom end of its range, we won't have that unwanted harshness-causing off-axis energy.
Obviously the excess off-axis energy at the bottom end of the tweeter's range is not the cause of harshness in every case, but I think it happens fairly often. And combined with some other source of harshness, it's even worse.
Another coloration that I'm sensitive to, for whatever reason, is something I call "barkiness". To my ears, many otherwise promising speakers sound a bit "barky". I think this is due to excess energy somewhere in the 200 Hz to 900 Hz region, which is a secondary region of increased aural sensitivity, as shown in the curves above. In this case I don't think the cause is excess off-axis energy; I think it's often a woofer cone/surround resonance issue, but that's not the topic of this thread.