I have heard the 3060, but not in my own home. To be fair, I have heard it at two different dealers-- my dealer and then another dealer. My dealer's system is similar to mine, in so far as we both use Wilson speakers. The 3060 is on a more expensive system all around. It certainly sounds better. We did listen to the 2060, 2160, and 3060 on his equipment. The 2160 is better than the 2060, but not 3 times better (I had a great opportunity on the 2060). It was more of an evolutionary improvement and I could be happy with either the 2160 or the 2060. To me the difference was not significant. The 3060 was a completely different experience. The 3060 created a very special moment. The music flowed, it was engaging, it found a way to have more nuance and boogie than the 2060 or the 2160, something that seemed impossible, because the 2000 series is spectacular. Did I love it? Yes. But it is not something I need to have-- in our world of having to make choices, I preferred to invest the difference in other areas (my family, retirement, other enterprises). But maybe one day I will buy the 3060 and if not, I will be happy with the 2060. If I were thinking of moving from the 2060 to the 2160, I would either improve my front end, if needed, or go to the 3060. My next audio purchase may be a better pre amp. but right now i am happy. and satisfied. I hope that helps.Can i ask,
Have you heard / experienced a 3060?
And sorry to hear about your break in!
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