A very good point Joel, that mirrors in part my own experience with HFC cables, Over a period of several weeks I moved up the food chain with Single ended signal cables, eventually settling upon the CT-1 UR's that have remained in my system for a couple of years now and I simply would not be without them.
However, this was not to prove a universal success story with my time with HFC speaker cable, Once again I worked my way up the model line eventually arriving once again at UR. As Joel has eluded to, I always felt that I was fighting against the LCR characteristics of the HFC's in that I just could not attain the same Mahoosive Soundstage and vast 3D like bubble of sound that I could achieve with a couple of other speaker cables to hand Viz: Magnan Audio Ref , Transparent Audio Reference MM2, no matter how much I cranked up my ARC Pre , and as fabulous as they were on tonality, transparency etc,etc, I just could not reconcile myself to the loss of dB's in the room.
I should caviat this report by disclosing that the speakers in my system were ML CLX Anniversaries and therefore do present quite a challenging load at 90dB and 0.7 Ohms at 20kHz.