I guess I misspoke with the use of the term low level inputs here. Using the outputs of a preamp is something I have never used to feed a sub, as I've been without a pre for some years. Using the variable outputs of my DAC is something I've tried, not with much success, so for me its been DAC/pre to amps into high level inputs of the sub amps. I have no experience with using a preamp to feed a subwoofer.
As you indicated John, there are often difficulties for some low level devices (DACs and Preamps) to drive low level cables, especially if they are longer lengths, which might be another reason one might prefer high level connections.
And yes, I asked the question to promote discussion, especially for those who have SOTA Pre's that may prefer the low level route. I find it interesting that there are many highly regarded subs that don't offer high level inputs