Hint of new Magico products

Have you considered the S3 Peter? S3 is ideal for a small - small-medium room. The S3's are doing something special in the midrange, and its form factor makes it easier to integrate in your room size. Q3 is obviously better, but will empty your wallet of a lot more cash and in my view is better suited to a medium size room. Something to chew on..

Thanks Bodhi. I would like to hear the S3, but I'm more interested in the level achieved by the Q series. I prefer the Q line to the S1 and S5 that I heard at dealers.
Thanks Alexandre. I've thought briefly about the Q1. I don't really like the looks and if I were to upgrade from my Mini2, I would buy a larger three way speaker. My local dealer told me the Q3 would be too much speaker for my room, just as he did with the V3. I think the Q3 might work, though. I really have two concerns: driver integration while sitting only 9'-10' from the baffle and bass overloading my room. Of course, I can't know for sure until I try one in my actual space.

I don't happen to like the aesthetics of the Q1 but love the looks and sound of the Mini2, so for now I'm staying with what I have. I'm hoping that there will be a future Magico speaker that is as transparent as the Q line and a bit smaller than the current Q3. I do listen mostly to classical and jazz. Smaller scale chamber, solo, quartets etc. but also concertos and some large scale symphonic music and vocals. Also some classic rock, but I don't care if I capture that bass/volume as much as I care about timbral accuracy, dynamics and presence. The Mini2 gives me all of that. I'll wait to see what Magico developes in the future. I'm very patient. The Mini 2 is more than satisfactory.


I sit 3m from the speakers (that are 3m apart), and 3m = 10'...
No problemw with driver integration, the speakers disappear, as they should, etc...

Thanks Mark. I agree, those basics seem fine. It's the size of the room that I'm considering and that it is not dedicated. Could you describe the systems on which you have heard the SME 30/12?

I haven't, but after many hours listening to my 20/12 V12 MC Anna combo I can only imagine how incredible the bass must be coming from your table, and everything else for that matter.

"I would wait on the Q series until after CES 2015."

The only change that makes sense for the near future is the oldest model in their lineup, the Q5. My guess is the Q1 and Q3 will be around for a bit.
Well, I suggest you go argue your point with Magico then:


"The outcome is a compact, convertible stand-mounted/bookshelf loudspeaker with explosive, true full-range performance. It is the 2-way monitor that has never before been built, by our company or any other"

I think you're arguing semantics here, and usage of a term (bookshelf) that is widely used in the marketplace to denote just the kind of speaker the Q1 is.


Although, as you say, marketplace imposed the bookshelf speaker designation as a synonimous for a small and compact speaker, a speaker designed to be integrated in a bookshelf or against a wall should have its bass response adjusted for the extra bass reinforcement due to the close boundaries. The Q1 is a great speaker, but looking at its very good bass response I think it should not be used in a bookshelf placement. All IMHO, surely.
Although, as you say, marketplace imposed the bookshelf speaker designation as a synonimous for a small and compact speaker, a speaker designed to be integrated in a bookshelf or against a wall should have its bass response adjusted for the extra bass reinforcement due to the close boundaries. The Q1 is a great speaker, but looking at its very good bass response I think it should not be used in a bookshelf placement. All IMHO, surely.

And Magico agrees with you, so much that they bolted the stand to the speaker, so the customer can't be tempted to put it in a bookshelf!



The countdown commences...
Sweet. Wonder if they're all sold out. I feel tempted...
I know what you mean, I am negotiating the general…
She is tough, but she did like the look ;)

Best of luck with that!

Do you know if all 50 pairs have been sold?

All are sold according to my hifi guy here in Norway (or at least reserved). I am one of the lucky ones :)

Ok, sorry. I must have been missinformed. Do you know how many pairs are left?

All are sold according to my hifi guy here in Norway (or at least reserved). I am one of the lucky ones :)


Congratulations! Which color did you order?
I believe there are some left in the dealers' hands. Someone mentioned in another thread that his dealer (in the US) still has a pair that is available.

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