But none of this gets you to any “Absolute” truths and that’s where it all falls apart and the logic begins to unravel.
Enjoy your systems and keep striving for that goal or sound qualities that you value most but don’t fool yourself into believing that there is a right answer or that what you have achieved gets your closer to the mythical promise land as it is a mirage. If you cannot quantify and measure the end goal then it will always be subjective.
One can of course measure a component’s or system’s accuracy, with a known calibrated input, at its output with a Audio Precision APx555 audio analyzer & software suite; but most have long concluded that measurements are not indicative of sound quality or enjoyment, or we would all have Halcro amplifiers with their 0.00001 THD figures.
Audiophilia is Scientology at its best, when you get to the top of the hill and see what’s on the other side, you realize that there is no right answer or “Absolute Sound” End-Game. The best one can do and strive for is to meet and obtain what you require for musical enjoyment as the real reward and achievement, enjoyment, is inherent to oneself.
Let's also then close down the forums and all discussion related to audio gear if we are not judging. Let's all buy one thing, whatever it is and be happy