Steve williams
Site Founder, Site Co-Owner, Administrator
I've said before and will again IMO Amir is the total antithesis of a music lover. It's about time that we start to identify this boastful supercilious and arrogant behavior as part of a narcissistic personality that thinks he is above us all and can do no wrong. In medical school there were several like this who felt no matter what they were always correct and even took it upon themselves to criticize their professors and others around them. I found that they had no personality as they could never interact with their peers but were only there to criticize everyone around them. These people rarely were able to keep a job because it was always about them. Makes me wonder about the fallout at Microsoft.
This forum is about the love and appreciation of music where everyone interacts with everyone else. It's called learning together from life experiences in this hobby. The only time there is ever arguing on this forum is when Amir decided to tell us that we are all fools and cannot rise to his level because we lack the credentials of being trained to listen to artifacts rather than music All of us enjoy the camaraderie of discussing where we are with our system and with the hobby. I will say again. He is not a music lover but only here to constantly tell us what only he knows. To say he isn't a regular in this forum is bull crap as I can tell you he's on the site over 12 hours each day and as 853guy points out his post count tells us otherwise. He dodges and deflects everything which shows his true colors and uses others as sacrificial lambs in order to make his point.
This thread has proved to me what his real colors are but more than anything it shows everyone who he really is. There is little doubt that everyone finally can see through him. I think I am hearing yells of "the Emoeror has no new clothes"
Frankly I've had enough of it and I sense that everyone else has as well and I can promise it will change. Until such time my advice is to "ignore" him.
This forum is about the love and appreciation of music where everyone interacts with everyone else. It's called learning together from life experiences in this hobby. The only time there is ever arguing on this forum is when Amir decided to tell us that we are all fools and cannot rise to his level because we lack the credentials of being trained to listen to artifacts rather than music All of us enjoy the camaraderie of discussing where we are with our system and with the hobby. I will say again. He is not a music lover but only here to constantly tell us what only he knows. To say he isn't a regular in this forum is bull crap as I can tell you he's on the site over 12 hours each day and as 853guy points out his post count tells us otherwise. He dodges and deflects everything which shows his true colors and uses others as sacrificial lambs in order to make his point.
This thread has proved to me what his real colors are but more than anything it shows everyone who he really is. There is little doubt that everyone finally can see through him. I think I am hearing yells of "the Emoeror has no new clothes"
Frankly I've had enough of it and I sense that everyone else has as well and I can promise it will change. Until such time my advice is to "ignore" him.