Han, you are nice my friend.
1. I cannot just take any component and make it fit because I view my system as a synergistic and tightly integrated entity that has evolved through macro and micro adjustments and improvements with my own hands over two decades. That did take over 200 components of ultra-high end quality.
When I say system it means it means everything in the system, ranging from speakers to shelves -- even the room color and carpet color (well, that might be a bit of a stretch though).
2. I am not pre- or for-biased against brand -- unlike most audiophiles who look for finding something lacking in other people's system, I try to find something positive from other people's systems to see if I can learn something new.
3. I have owned and experimented over 15 Apogees models, which I ripped apart, moded, tweaked, repaired by myself or by others, and even combined different ones to create new speakers, experimented with their crossover, and impedance. I even drove the FR with one amp by making a new passive crossover myself (only to go back to the original specs designed by Leo Spiegel that were the most correct; people on audio forums were just posting nonsense with new crossovers ideas). But I often ignore what the manufacturer recommends and I usually dissect a component to see the inside and figure if I can make improvements in it. If it confirms the recommendations of the manufacturer, fine, otherwise I discover everything myself. Paul of TRL told me again and again not to use the bias level on tubes more then his recommendation but I have been doing that for ten years and the sound and amps are fine. the same goes for the cartridge tracking force, speaker placement and subwoofers (it is a necessary evil for home theater).
4. It took me 15 years before I actually figured (thanks to Ivan Lee of Hong Kong) how to place the big Apogee speakers in the room. In over 90% of the 100 plus Apogee systems that I have seen or heard have placed them wrong. When I posted an article on it several people were dismissive of it, not because they disliked it but they just did not want to try -- I was happy to let them continue to spend money on useless tweaks
5. Everything in my system is made *for each other*. For example, the amps were moded with transformer that took two years to build, the power supply was moded for more current. The preamp was moded by myself with help from a friend, in which I added the circuit of the line level crossover of the Apogee FR.
7. My new room is designed (I am thinking of posting a thread with details so that I can share some experience with friend) for my whole system and for the sound the way I envisioned it to sound.
8. Han, I do not think you experimented enough or squeezed the maximum capability out of the Apogee FR, as I have, before determining "the ultimate speaker" firstly because the ultimate is only in your own head or in your wallet -- which by the way is perfectly fine, and secondly I do not think the Apogee Grand is better than the Apogee FR because subwoofers do not mix with the ribbon panels -- if you think they do then good for you but wait until you hear a better system and then you will learn that they do not integrate. For my taste they do not integrate, I tried that for 10 years with smaller Apogees – the FR does not need any sub (although I am still gonna continue to experiment). In fact I hate woofer based subwoofers. That is why I declined your offer to buy the Grand. And no I am not interested in any speaker including the Gryphon for buying or "upgrading" but I might be interested in hearing it as another friend's system. The important thing is you are happy so that is what matters but I do not think I wish to consider your speaker – in fact I will not consider any speaker. And mind you I was always dissatisfied until I achieved the current system.
Let me try to explain in other words, see the two diagrams below, the first one is a typical audiophile who looks for upgrades. The second one is mine, it is a complex integration that *
collectively* has turned into a machine that gives me the sound of paradise. If I go to heavens after I die I will take the same system but with a better vinyl and tape an any other angelic source
Let me use the following figure to explain a typical audiophile philosophy.
And now my philosophy.