I could see adding digital but analog is just more real sounding.
Thanks again myles
Well it was a really cool afternoon with myles . His setup sounds great and what a schooling of knowledge he has on audio.
I plan to post my thoughts but the truth is i need better words to describe what the difference is. Another big surprise is reel to reel. Myles set me up to be amazed and sat quiet as it happened. His speakers were the kind i like , that may sound foolish but to me its true . Even though we could spend big money does not mean that music to all ears but will be to some.
So after round two a very big comeback towards analog and he is the man to show you why. I suggested if passible to bring my MSB stack there to compare the two types of sounds. And the msb might do something better . I guess i just want to hear them side by side. I will say this he played some stuff from the 50/60's . What happened to audio with digital seems cruel as even a record from a digital master is not like the older pure analog. Now do not take offense to my statement or ignorance . I do want more more sessions and need more time to reflect. But for now analog is just different and i think is better in many ways. Also one last thought i cannot imagine anyone having an analog setup selling it. I could see adding digital but analog is just more real sounding.
Thanks again myles
Al-I'm so glad you had a great time today at Myles! I figured that if Myles couldn't make an analog believer out of you with his setup that it would never happen. As for why analog almost didn't make it, I have my thoughts on the situation. Part of it had to do with selling to the masses. Remember that even in the best of analog times, most people had very mediocre tables and cartridges and didn't take care of their LPs so they were all full of noise. Along comes CD and now the masses can buy a CD player fairly cheaply and play CDs that make no noise and for most of them, it was the best they ever heard their music. Plus it gave the record companies another way to resell their catalogs to consumers.
You have to remember that consumer reel to reel lost out to LPs because of convenience which is also part of the appeal of digital. Never underestimate the appeal of convenience to consumers. Loading and rewinding a tape so you can play it takes more work and is a little trickier than playing a record. Playing a record is much more work than sitting in your chair with your remote playing digital music.
Playing a record is much more work than sitting in your chair with your remote playing digital music.
Damned 45's........
Yes i do agree as i use a DAP and CIEM,S on the go for music. I guess the whole thing is just another page in audio . Look how late i came to the party hahaha. And as i go into to this i have more points to argue about with people on the forums .
I cannot wait to download the dsd files and order the sacd,s . So yes convenience still,is in me for now. And in the end i am willing to bet they are nothing like what myles played. We also played two different pressings of tea for the tillerman . An album i know very well , at least i thought i did . The pink circle did sound better than the solid pink one. But what was really interesting was each track sounded different too . I listened for the usual details in the songs and heard anything i have heard before but in a different light . And there was some jazz tunes that had details and subtitles i have never heard before period. At audio innovation nyc i heard the the wilson audio alexia ,s with the diamond msb and dan agastino preamp and amps. The contest was not even close in the sound . Both were very clear but there is a missing word or paragraph that i need to describe the difference . Myles had the vinyl of paul simon Graceland as it was very good the dsd one i have does sound better. But the point is still made , it is from a dsd master. So does this mean vinyl from digital is not as good as all analog . I have no idea but i would like some here to way in and not kill each other either .?
Myles i see it says vol 2 is there a one , and how is its sound.
It also gets you off your behind
Welcome to the dark side, Al. Being format agnostic gives you a great deal more music to enjoy, and be able to enjoy the music in all situations.
So does this mean vinyl from digital is not as good as all analog . I have no idea but i would like some here to way in and not kill each other either .?
I know, right? Playing 45s is less convenient than play 33 1/3 records. You're an analog man and you complain about it ruining the musical flow!
There are now a number of "wide groove" 33 1/3 records that run the same time as a 45. Some of them sound as good as if not better than 45's. I was told that the reason for keeping at 33 1/3 is that anti-skate should be set up different for 45's and also groove noise has less energy at 33 1/3 and so it sounds quieter and coming from a blacker background.
The next logical step for me a reboot of today at myles with the msb stack complete with the two psu,s and umt plus. The object is to hear my dac on his system. This will help me determine hiw much of what i heard is pure analog grander or a much better sounding system. As i feel mine is pretty good and today was just the early demise of my digital domination
Happening. I do want to hear the comparisons together. As it was easy to hear today i will feel better going this rout in figuring this out completely. Another thought that comes to mind is the whole disk spinning thing. As i laughed at mike at lyric . How a short afternoon with myles makes it seem both cool and a welcoming part of the audio experience.
What a difference a day makes comes to mind. Gary if this happens the new genesis speakers i want will be held back a bit hahahaha. Sorry man this stuff is good. And if i go this route i have to have the reel to reel too.
Myles reel to reel is a very conservative looking device until you hear its sound and then you look to see whats behind the curtain in the show unfolding in front of you. I expected to hear clicks , pops and a boatload of hiss . What i did hear was almost none of anything . Maybe it was an illusion too a myles spell per say . It was am amazing day for audio and it was better than i expected by very much. All incan say is elvis is missed like never before. And although myles pink floyd dark side of the moon was much better than any i had heard or own. And i must have 6 of that album alone. The other vinyl and reels were much better. I did a post on another forum about music quality and asked others to post the best that had heard. Of course it was digital.
Any genre not caring at all about the music just pure quality. So this analog format clearly opens up so much more music.