Soulution 710 Vs. NAT Symbiosis New on my refurbished Apogee Duettas:
So while undoubtably the tone is amazing with the NAT amps powering the Duettas, I had to “scratch that itch” if you will and try out the Duettas with the Soulution 710 stereo amp. The principal reason being of course to get a reference as to whether or not the NATs are powerful enough to drive the Duettas properly. To that end, the Soulution amp is incredibly stable down to 1 or 2 ohms whereas I’m running the NATs with the the Duettas on the 8 ohm tap — the principal reason being that the NATs sound VASTLY better using the 8 ohm tap instead of the 4 ohm one. Given that the Duettas (at least the original ones according to my memory) measure at around 3.5 ohm suffice to say from a technical standpoint I wanted to hear what proper impedance matching between the amp and the speaker brings to the table.
To get to the point, and in a semi anticlimactic fashion dare I say, the conclusion is that I prefer the tone of NAT (more body and soul to the music), while the Soulution undoubtably brings way more control, bass articulation and a bigger sound stage with better instrument separation.
What’s keeping me very happy about this little experiment is that the imminent arrival of Clarisys Studio Plus will lighten the load on the NATs with its 5 ohm impedance and the much higher sensitivity — roughly around 88db. So in that sense, I am hoping to get the best of both worlds. For full disclosure, initially I thought my NAT speaker cables lacked a few inches to connect them successfully between the Soulution and Duettas so I used some fairly cheapish UPOCC Neotech speaker cables. Those gave a very skewed perception of the 710s tone, and as soon as I managed to connect the NAT cables I got much closer to the Symbiosis New tone. Close but not fully there mind you.
On the other hand, the bass control and the overall grip on the speakers that 710 is displaying is leaps and bounds ahead of what NAT can do with the Duettas at least (mind the impedance match mind you that I spoke about above),
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In the next experiment we are bi-amping the Duettas. Running the Soulution 710 on the woofer and the NAT Symbiosis New on the Midrange Tweeter. Stay tuned