1. That perfect transparency can be achieved.
2. That you have achieved it.
armirm, those are very good points, and deserve good answers. The only thing is that they are essentially the same point, since if I have achieved it, then it is achievable...
First, I would not use the term "perfect transparency". I am quite certain now that what is going is a trick, an illusion being played by the ear/brain on your physical system, on your headspace, so to speak. Most people with a reasonable setup have achieved it already, by the fact that they talk of the sweet zone! All I am really talking about, is that this sweet zone can be enlarged to be the size of the room, and the house in fact. I have talked of this many times in previous posts.
As proof of it being achievable I submit poor Vince, muralman1, who has been trying so hard, so long to get across exactly what I am saying, what is possible. Some people will say, well, of course, he has Apogee Scintillas, he's got a head start! Yes, it has made it "easier", but he has worked on it for 6 years to get it to the point of having a universal sweet spot (Hey, I think I just coined an expression ...). Other setups may require more work to get there, and maintain the effect, I certainly know from my own experience, that if one, tiny, tiny, tiny thing is wrong then the illusion fails , and the system sounds like sh%t!!