I dont know about your subwoofer .
But regarding the XVX , .... if they use scanspeak woofers as i think they do the free air resonance freq FS @ 23 hz is about where the party stops.
it can be minus -3 - 6 db - 9 db depending on the designparameters/room
Andromeda, the XVX has had extensive measurements by Martin Colloms in HiFiCritic Volume 15 / Number 3 July - Sept 2021:
"My best estimate of the low frequency extension is -6dB at 11Hz, which is very low and confers an unusually fine phase response at low frequencies, supportive of good musical timing, which we also confirmed during the listening sessions."
"There were many standout results but this one caught my eye: at a truly body-shaking 110dB/m at 24 Hz and with inaudible harmonic distortion, the test set showed a superb result of less than 1.5%distortion for both second and third harmonics, and no others of relevance."
"Dropping the power to a still audibly thundering 2.83 V (1W nominal) the 24Hz distortion figure was truly exceptional at just 0.2% for both second and third, and the rest of the harmonics were not worth recording: this was for a very pure sounding bass tone at a hefty 92dB SPL."
"While the output was rolling off a little below 20Hz, it still sang well at 15Hz with less than 2% THD and, with only the 5th harmonic of note, at a still excellent 0.6%, of quite inaudible distortion (1W). Of the many readings taken up to 200Hz, these at 92 dB SPL, the average distortion was 0.2% of 2nd and 0.15% of 3rd harmonic, though with a momentary narrow band reversal at 100 Hz to 0.1% for 2nd and1% for 3rd."
I can attest to the fact that the XVX is impregnable at extremely low frequencies. It cannot be overloaded. I have low frequency SACD's (example: The Philadelphia Orchestra/Christopher Eschenbach/Oliver Latry, Organ/Camille Saint-Saens Symphony No.3 "Organ"/Francis Poulenc "Organ Concerto"/Samuel Barber "Toccata Festiva" Ode 1094-5) that are absolutely rife with devastating low frequencies, both at extremely high SPL's and extremely low SPL's. The XVX is absolutely dominated by my Thor at the 25 Hz and below LF, but it is never remotely near overloading.
Sealed box systems like the M7 either have no output because they are rolled off because of a suitably high resonance frequency, or these systems will distort like crazy, like the Thiel CS5i in the 1990's or the Gen II's that I owned. I owned both and replaced the CS5i woofers several times on LF material an XVX would laugh at, but which many sealed box systems of today wouldn't. Also, the huge 400-pound servo subs of the Gen II's would distort on similar material at high volumes but I never had to replace a woofer. My Thor/XVX system has tremendously more low frequency capability/output than a Genesis II, even with dual sub amps. I have never overloaded my Thor. Which is the stronger, the XVX or the Thor? No doubt it is the XVX. The XVX simply cannot be overloaded. On "regular" extremely low heavy bass material, I have never seen the woofer move at volume levels that are incredible.
If I owned an M7 I would employ dual Magico Titan subs, but they would need be run through the digital crossovers inside the subs to protect the speaker from my numerous cd's and SACD's that have terrific 20 Hz and below material. I suspect that between 10 and 25 Hz my bass is boosted by at least 15 dB, probably more. I don't employ any EQ of any kind, and the LP filter on my ActivXO analog electronic crossover is at 30 Hz, 18 dB per octave roll off above 30 Hz. I have a perfect blend above 30 Hz. So, I would not run the M7's full range but rely on the Titans to handle this kind of bass boost at extremely low frequencies. I am sure my listening experience would be absolutely superb. Previously I said that I don't like sealed box systems. That's a bit strong. I would modify my statement to, "I prefer a ported bass system, to a sealed box bass system."
Charles Updated System: Wilson McIntosh Audioquest
Amps: McIntosh: MC3500MKII (2); MC1.25KW (2); MC2.1KW An
Preamp: C-12000 An
Sources: MCD12000 An; MVP881; MVP851; MR87; Marantz 510LV; Lenovo Yoga laptop
Speakers: Wilson Chronosonic XVX
Sub-Woofer: Wilson Thor’s Hammer; Wilson ActivXO Stereo Electronic Crossover
Cables Main System AQ: WEL Signature speaker cables; 24’ balanced IC; balanced 1-meter Dragon IC ; WEL Signature digital, Coffee digital coaxial cables; Diamond optical (2); Diamond USB; Dragon (5 HC, 3 source cords); Thunder & Monsoon power cords
Cables Subwoofer System AQ: Redwood speaker cable; Wolf balanced subwoofer IC; Wind balanced IC to ActivXO; Hurricane HC; Firebird HC; Firebird Source; Dragon HC, power cords
Power Conditioners: AQ Niagara 7000; Niagara 5000 (3); (4) dedicated 20-amp lines.
Isolation: Wilson Pedestals; Bassocontinuo McIntosh Ultra Feet; X-material plinth
Cabinet: Double Custom Woodwork & Design (CWD)
Acoustic Treatments: Room and Echo Tunes