You haven t heard what this baby can do/ produce

This one can literally frighten you while watching movies when you open them up ( and yes i ve heard the XVX with SUBS)
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Andromeda, I think that anyone in the market for a speaker in your price range should, if possible, consider your speakers. You are passionate about them, and I am sure that bass dynamics are one of their many strengths. When i said King of the Hill, I was referring to the Thor vs the XVX, meaning that at 40Hz the bass quality much more than the quantity is sightly different with my thor engaged. yes, there is slightly more bass from 40 Hz on down with my Thor engaged, and the 30 hz tone is considerably stronger, but for my ears, my bass blend is perfect. On jazz I prefer the bass with my Thor engaged over my XVX alone, though the output is similar either way. It's a slightly fatter, slower, rounder bass, still extremely quick and resolved. This is a matter of preference.
Now the XVX has tremendous bass dynamics, because as I have said, from 25 Hz and above, you will never see the woofers even move to the naked eye, and below 25 Hz it is impossible to overload, so it can be run full range with any set of subs, not matter how large. My Thor was as I have said, designed for mono as a replacement for the Wilson XS, which weighed 750 pounds, had dual 18" woofers, enormous dual ports, and was extremely difficult to ship, set up in the home, and return for repair. My Thor has more output than an XS. it is a very different animal than a Subsonic which is 6 dB less sensitive and meant for stereo. The Subsonic was designed for the XVX. It is quicker, more in tune with the speed of the XVX woofers. However, Wilson made me a custom plinth made of X-material and Acoustic Diodes. These diodes retail for around 4-5K and the plinth weighs in at probably 175 pounds. It is heavy. All subwoofers move back and forth a little which produced distortion. My Thor doesn't move at all, and it is specially made of 3rd generation X-material. It is my second Thor. When i bought my XVX, I bought a new custom-made Thor, especially for me.
Regarding this thread, I'm not exaggerating when I say that this critique of reviews, is very informative to read. As a layperson I take any review with a grain of salt, but reviews are extremely valuable. But take Mike Fremer's review of the VAC Statement amplifier. JA says that its failure to even remotely come close to meeting its specs regarding and wattage and S/N ratio are not important because he rarely needed over 40 watts.
That's very revealing concerning his SP listening level. I need 300 plus watts and Mike was using a Wilson Alexx at that time. There are so many variables and factors that a layperson like me must take into account when reading a review. But I still highly value your reviews and opinions highly. They are very entertaining reading for the most part, and most contain valuable information. Remember, you guys, the high end is just a hobby. Don't take yourselves too seriously. I love all of you because you are passionate about the high end.