There was a music revolution during the 70's particularly and the explosion of drugs as well. These bands likethe Beatles , Stones, Grateful Dead, Jethro Tull, Almman Brothers etc. were making album music. These albums were head food they were made to listen to on a hi fi and probably stoned. Pink Floyd, The Who were making concept albums. You alkso have to remember that there was no internet. minimal numbers of TV channels, No streaming of anything, FM radio was huge. Rock n Roll was a lifestyle and a huge part of the culture of the day. The muisc hjad huge amounts of influence and popularity. The Beatles were like gods go back and watch the hysteria that happened. It was very different and it wasn't all about the money and a show it was totally about the music. You had such great song writers like Dylan, Cat Stevens, Harry Chapin, Gordon Lightfoot and others in the folk type area. You had the country rock bands like the Allmans, Loggins and Messina, Poco, there was a huge amount of new and diverse music and the only way to hear it was on records or the radio, College campuses had concerts with these bands all the time and it was fun and cheap. Then there was Woodstock OMG. It was a marvelous time to listen . I am sure I am missing a lot of it but that environment was very different than today. I went to the record store almost every week. I listened to FM radio and the great DJ's and on radio concerts all the time, didnt watch much TV since there wasnt much on. Sports were limited on TV if at all. FOr example The NBA was shown on tape delay if at all, The Nfl had one or two local games a week in your city . There was virtually no NHL coverage.
The music had a theme and a message. The music protested the Vietnam War for example ( Crosby Stills and Nash )
I know that was along time ago but it made you want to listen and there wasnt much else to do. NO ONE HAD PHONES