That can't be done with civil constructive criticism?
You are asking a superb question.
What I am seeing here and now in the forum is that any data that is presented that is considered negative to someone's positive view of some object, is considered "harsh" "rude" "presumptuous," etc. In that case I say the criticism is not harsh. The person is just using theatrics as a debating tool. In which case, the data stands and should be presented as I mentioned.
Even outside of that, I don't think we need to have an obligation to make every post "constructive." We are not critiquing the person. We are critiquing the piece of hardware. Members should have enough emotional maturity to consider that and not think they were assaulted personally and hence look for constructivism there.
Now, this is easier said than done
. Especially if we are talking about something the person has bought. But it is a skill to be learned if you want to be in forums and not have a belly ache over what is being discussed. Learn to develop tolerance to such comments and not let it bother you so deeply.
Now where I do draw the line and strongly so if the harshness is directed toward a person, not the object. The moment you start to "go after" a person withe vengeance, then yes, you have absolutely done the wrong thing, are harsh and without value to anyone. After all, who learns anything from someone calling another member stupid?
How does being harsh benefit? Isn't it the harshness or worse that causes discourse to escalate out of control?
We have tools to deal with escalation. It is called reporting a post and letting a jury of us from different camps in audio deal with it. And can be almost entirely avoided if everyone focuses on the equipment being discussed, and not the person.
BTW, sense of humor helps too
. I hope more people would use this tool. Don't react the way the person wants you to react. If they are trying to make you angry, show that you can have fun with it and therefore, that tool is not effective on you.
This brings me to one of those other principals I live by: you cannot change a group of people. What you can change is yourself. In every request or demand you have of membership, think of what you could do different to ease the pain on you. One simple thing is to take a break from a thread. Go listen to some music. Instead if you stay there and fight tooth and nail, don't come to me and say "the forum has become so negative!" Well, heck, you had the choice to avoid the negative. Yet you participated and now complain? Do your part to ease the pain.