Is the big rig too good for our own good??

Some people keep evolving in both worlds; the gear paradigm world and the music paradigm world.
Evolving as exploring deeper; understanding, perfecting, apprentissage (learning to develop a higher musical taste).

we are over-thinking this issue. it is very simple. horses for courses.

music with nuance and low level critical components are not car-listening friendly unless you are talking about a very quiet car and particularly good in car sound system. so why get frustrated trying to hear much of the jazz and classical catalogue when there are plenty of pop/rock/country/etc choices....where a super low noise floor is not a critical aspect of enjoyment. there is the emotional connection many that many of us have to our particular pop tunes. then add talk radio of whatever focus to that perspective (I'm a sports talk radio junkie and would rarely choose music anyway in car) and our big rigs standard setting sound and why try to overcome all that stuff?

when my wife and I travel in the car we mostly listen to 50's, 60's and 70's pop or the Sinatra channel on XM, or she gets Fox News or I get sports talk. we have a few CD's for when we don't have clear reception.

I drive a dealership demo (3 different ones a year) so adding some hizoot stereo to that is not sensible.....but even when in the Porsche we approach this issue the same way.
Is it possible that audio in our homes can be too good for certain types of music??

For instance, I listen to a lot more rock and heavy metal in the car and find it a lot easier to listen to than in my home set up:eek:. I seem to get more enjoyment from this type of music on a less revealing system than I do on my home system....and i have heard this from other listeners as well!! The car system is easier to listen to with this genre of music...why??? Can a system that homogenizes, work better for some types of music??:confused: Anyone else have the same opinion...if so, what do you think this attributes to?
So, is the big rig too good for our own good....well not on music that needs this kind of resolution and transparency, BUT does all music need that???? A few questions here......hmmm.

If anyone reading this has audio equipment in their home that is "too good" feel free to send it to me. :)

I think the answer to your question is not the equipment or the recording it is simply your mood and convenience. Can you blast music in your car without comments from the peanut gallery? Can you do the same at home?

Sometimes you just want a "soundtrack" going on like in a movie for whatever you are doing at the time when you are driving. Listening to the big rig sometimes requires your attention and focus.
So depending on your mood either one could be "better" at the time.
If anyone reading this has audio equipment in their home that is "too good" feel free to send it to me. :)

I think the answer to your question is not the equipment or the recording it is simply your mood and convenience. Can you blast music in your car without comments from the peanut gallery? Can you do the same at home?

Sometimes you just want a "soundtrack" going on like in a movie for whatever you are doing at the time when you are driving. Listening to the big rig sometimes requires your attention and focus.
So depending on your mood either one could be "better" at the time.

Actually, I do not think that being able to "blast" it without comments from the peanut gallery is much of a factor here. Certainly for me it is not. Otoh, the type of music does seem to 'translate' better sometimes on the less resolving system. An example of this is...Linkin Park, a group that I particularly like. However, I don't think they sound that enjoyable on the big rig, while on the car system...or cheap headphones, they are very much to my liking.
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Is it possible that audio in our homes can be too good for certain types of music??

For instance, I listen to a lot more rock and heavy metal in the car and find it a lot easier to listen to than in my home set up:eek:. I seem to get more enjoyment from this type of music on a less revealing system than I do on my home system....and i have heard this from other listeners as well!! The car system is easier to listen to with this genre of music...why??? Can a system that homogenizes, work better for some types of music??:confused: Anyone else have the same opinion...if so, what do you think this attributes to?
So, is the big rig too good for our own good....well not on music that needs this kind of resolution and transparency, BUT does all music need that???? A few questions here......hmmm.

For me there is no point listening to Led Zep on hifi. Especially given their best stuff is on bootlegs, youtube, and compressed DVDs. For such stuff, at best I would build a 2k Bose like system. Hifi for me is for classical, which cannot be enjoyed otherwise. I have during demos heard some extremely good rock and blues, especially the related bass, on vinyl on good systems. But not something I base my auditions on.

The other thing with a big rig is most people get it wrong, especially the speaker to room relationship.
Davey, there are two types of music; the one that is recorded to play in your iPod or car, and the other recorded to play in your hi-fi stereo rig @ home.
Like Mike said above; to play sophisticated and detailed classical chamber music, or nuanced jazz music in a car is not the same as in your home system.
Heavy metal, Rap, Punk, AC/DC, CCR, Bob Dylan, the car is more like it, to me. Except that I don't listen to heavy metal, Rap and Punk music, but yes to Bob Dylan and CCR and the occasional AC/DC (very rarely AC/ I drove a lot in my life because of my work, and I've seen many country sides. I have my own preference for road music. Driving in the city I like Opera. And driving with passengers I like discussions about everything happening in the world, I like to expand my intellect with others, listen to their ideas and drive in life.

Years ago it was different, when in my teens and twenties. With age music habits changed, we adapt/develop newer music habits, it's like automatic for most of us, I think.

There are some music that is so beautiful that no good system is good enough, in my opinion. But we don't think about it, we just gently rock with the music playing flow.

And like Mike said; if you are driving a car that is so silent, so smooth, like a Continental limousine, then Opera and Flamenco and cello and piano and violins and concertos and chamber and jazz and trumpet and acoustic bass and drums and first class Blues and New Age and International/World music is very pleasant.
Folk music like from Dylan, Van Morrison, CSNY, and rock like from CCR, Queen, Led Zeppelin, great for less quiet vehicles, like trucks, convertible sport cars.

That, is my own personal experience and journey. We all have our own and our own music preference for the road, and for home.
To me, depending of the type of vehicle I'm driving, where (country or city), with who is in the car/truck with me; there are some type of music that fits the moving decor better harmoniously.
@ home the decor is not moving, I am much more alert to the simple surroundings,,,six surfaces. Inside a car, through the front and side windows the outside is constantly changing and my eyes have to be alert to those changes and to other drivers too. @ home only the wind, the rain, the tree's branches, the clouds, the birds can move during daytime if you have open window(s). But that decor remains constant and my eyes are not "distracted"; they are smoothly relaxing and not "worry" about other drivers. My ears are fully involved.

Our sound systems sound better when in tune ourselves, when relaxing, when not distracted by our other senses and stressful thoughts or thinking of what we have to do next.
When perfectly in the relaxing mood of the moment, free of everything, we can listen to music with much more appreciation of those better recordings...@ home.

So, your questions and personal preferences are best answered from your own perspective and what your entire aura vibrates best to the music that has that bigger emotional connection/relation with you and you only. We sleep good in our beds, other people might not sleep as good in them, but preferring their own, in their own zone of comfort and independence...own coziness and peace of tranquility.

It's similar with live music concerts; jazz/blues clubs, classical music halls, rock concert stadiums, dancing halls, intimate chamber rooms, etc. And the people too in all those live music venues; sometimes the right audience makes a big difference, other times it's almost like a disaster but we learned from experience to choose our venues more carefully.
Other times we take our chances, we adventure into the unknown...with results that could be ecstatic, musically liberating, or deceiving because of inferior audiences or inferior sound or our own inferior mental disposition. ...Prepared or unprepared, it depends of the reach we aim for.

Yes, keep it simple, go with/in the music moment. And be prepared to switch that dial or flip that record or eject that CD or click on the next selection.
...And some of you wonder why they are playing certain music genre @ audio dealer show rooms on their gear. ...Instead of playing heavy rock that you brought with you...your own CDs.
Some complain why they don't play full classical orchestral works in them hotel rooms where them audio dealers try to sell their gear.

Music has its place in time and in space. My strong line of thinking. And not everyone vibrates equally to the same tune.
The magic is in the emotional force of the majority present in that room @ the right moment, when that tune is playing in tune with the air energizing that space, that room, and through all the ear's canals leading to all the brain's majority. ...That special part of the brain that is the stimulus vibrato of the music chords dancing the emotional valse (waltz).
I understand exactly where Nstar is coming from.
I just listen to the local radio when driving.. but since my heart attack and quad bypass and after writing off my supercharged JAG .. I Uber mostly .. no choice in what to listen to.
I have a few systems around the house , but I also have a mancave , a large dedicated quiet and treated room with my big rig .. so if I want eargasms , I dissapear there and turn it up to lifelike levels and let the performance wash over me and float away..

I also tend to avoid rubbish recordings there, I have 8000 titles ripped and TIDAL .. there is more than enough music that is great and well recorded to last me my lifetime +
I would rather listen to something new and pristine , than rubbish recordings there.. life is too short to do stuff you arent 100% happy with.

we will see about that.;)


Saying Led Zeppelin doesn't have excellent SQ is a sure sign of ear wax buildup at minimum and if nothing else at least a reason to contemplate a full system overhaul to get to the bottom of the real issue :b
For me there is no point listening to Led Zep on hifi. Especially given their best stuff is on bootlegs, youtube, and compressed DVDs. For such stuff, at best I would build a 2k Bose like system. Hifi for me is for classical, which cannot be enjoyed otherwise. I have during demos heard some extremely good rock and blues, especially the related bass, on vinyl on good systems. But not something I base my auditions on.

The other thing with a big rig is most people get it wrong, especially the speaker to room relationship.
Can one sound anymore pretentious? Give it a break and open your mind. The world doesn't revolve around classical alone.

Saying Led Zeppelin doesn't have excellent SQ is a sure sign of ear wax buildup at minimum and if nothing else at least a reason to contemplate a full system overhaul to get to the bottom of the real issue :b

access to the top level of LZ sonics is not universal. it is music that (unless properly medicated.....or a true believer) can sound horrible on 80's CD's or bad pressings.

original pressings and the 33 rpm Classic's are pretty good. most digital LZ is crapolla.....although when in the right mood, MP3 LZ on the XM is just fine.

it takes the somewhat 'dear' classic records 45rpm box set, or even (mind-blowingly) better yet, a few low gen 'grey market' 1/4" 15ips tape dubs to reveal the potential very high fidelity of LZ.
would you use them for testing systems? one could, but we don't sip 30 year old single malt every night. when we do, it's an event.
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I can't listen to any kind of music in the car since the time car companies started getting into their version of high end sound. Irrespective of car brand we're stuck with the worst sound possible and you're forced to buy this junk if you want the better navigation systems. Because everything is integrated into the screen changing out the sound system is no longer an easy option. I can barely stand jazz or light classical at background levels driving around town no less rock and forget about highway driving where you have to crank the volume, I turn it OFF.

I can't listen to any kind of music in the car since the time car companies started getting into their version of high end sound. Irrespective of car brand we're stuck with the worst sound possible and you're forced to buy this junk if you want the better navigation systems. Because everything is integrated into the screen changing out the sound system is no longer an easy option. I can barely stand jazz or light classical at background levels driving around town no less rock and forget about highway driving where you have to crank the volume, I turn it OFF.


You should try integrating an iPod.

At least you can select what you want to listen to.
You should try integrating an iPod.

At least you can select what you want to listen to.

It's not a question of choice Gary but SQ, between XM/FM/Pandora and CD selection certainly isn't an issue, I simply can't listen to anything in cars anymore. The only exception is the basic fm radio in our very old cargo van.


Edit- PS. It might be my taste but I find many high and ultra high end systems just as bad and unlistenable these days...
Not the case currently, but I've had times where I wished my system would sound as engaging as my car.

Recently there have been times where I found myself really enjoying a classical piece on satellite radio, thinking the recording was excellent (despite the lossy character of Sirius) - only to get it at home and found that it wasn't as good as I thought.
Can one sound anymore pretentious? Give it a break and open your mind. The world doesn't revolve around classical alone.

It doesn't, and Bonzo didn't say so. As far as I know, he is a big LZ fan. But there is also more music than pop and rock, and if some find the average recording quality of classical and jazz more suitable for a high-end system (as do I) then I don't see why this should be objected to. I do listen to rock on my system as well and greatly enjoy it -- often much more than in my car. But I agree with others that sometimes the (lack of) sound quality lends itself more to the car than to the home system.

Having those opinions and experiences is not pretentious.
It's not a question of choice Gary but SQ, between XM/FM/Pandora and CD selection certainly isn't an issue, I simply can't listen to anything in cars anymore. The only exception is the basic fm radio in our very old cargo van.


Edit- PS. It might be my taste but I find many high and ultra high end systems just as bad and unlistenable these days...

David, I guess it depends on what floats your boat. If you like music, then listening on the radio in a car, or for that matter the cheapest ear buds, will be satisfying if you hear something that you like. OTOH, if you are just listening for how the reproduction sounds (SQ), then I can see your point!
I do agree with you on one other point, the car manufacturer's typically do not know great sound....BUT you are certainly not forced to buy their 'upscale' system. An example of this is the new Burmester system that one can elect to pay $$ for in the new Mercedes's and Porsche's. While it is a definite improvement over the stock system that comes with the car, in no way do I think it compares to a decent home system....and therefore personally I wouldn't flip the extra $$ to get it.
But to not listen to music at all while on the road due to the lack of thanks.

BTW, have you never had the experience that Madfloyd said above? I think that is what this thread is all about and why it is to me such an interesting factor.
It doesn't, and Bonzo didn't say so. As far as I know, he is a big LZ fan. But there is also more music than pop and rock, and if some find the average recording quality of classical and jazz more suitable for a high-end system (as do I) then I don't see why this should be objected to. I do listen to rock on my system as well.
Sorry Al, but it doesn't read that way to me. If he's such a big fan, yet finds no use to play it on his hifi then I suggest he's no fan. And quite frankly I see a lot of that. There seems to be more interest in sound quality than the music itself. Maybe that's why the audiophile record pap is so popular.
David, I guess it depends on what floats your boat. If you like music, then listening on the radio in a car, or for that matter the cheapest ear buds will be satisfying if you hear something that you like. OTOH, if you are just listening for how the reproduction sounds (SQ), then I can see your point!
I do agree with you on one point, the car manufacturer's typically do not know great sound....BUT you are certainly not forced to buy their 'upscale' system. An example of this is the new Burmester system that one can elect to pay $$ for in the new Mercedes's and Porsche's. While it is a definite improvement over the stock system that comes with the car, in no way do I think it compares to a decent home system....and therefore personally I wouldn't flip the extra $$ to get it.

I like music but I'm not into physically torturing myself listening to distorted hifi noise. I certainly disagree with you on the high end options specially Burmester which even their most expensive home electronics turn me off. I've had Bose/HK/B&W systems in my cars and none of them IMO have the natural fidelity of the cheap ass FM radio of our cargo van. It could be the van's acoustics too :)!


PS- Price doesn't mean quality one way or another.
I like music but I'm not into physically torturing myself listening to distorted hifi noise.


I guess we will have to agree to disagree. To me, if there is a piece of music...whether it is RAP or Classical or any other genre, and I happen to hear it and like it, well I couldn't give a rats ass what I heard it on. Distorted or not, if the music gets inside me, well that's what it is all about. Maybe I am coming from my musician background here...and not so much my a'phile background. So be it.:D

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