This is the question that intriques me. Especially as at applys to to Amir. That someone who claims to have loved the ML previoulsy and had always heard it sound good "sighted"but when listening blind found it to be so bad he questioned ML "highend" credetials. Given somoen who is a dealer for Revel and JBL one would think he would be intimately famialiar with .
Yeah, it is interesting ain't it.
But when you think for a little bit, it can make sense you know. Firstly, forget for now sighted and previous bias/conclusions etc, we only ever hear things in isolation. What I mean is, when something is taken alone with NO counter reference, it can be just accepted and we have nothing to compare it to (well duh

BUT, suddenly have a counter reference we can immediately compare it to, then things change dramatically. All of a sudden, that is when peaks etc jump out at you. (think the colour chart comparison, take one alone...but have two side by side and a different ball game)
Same deal with the Dave Moulton, dunno if you or anyone bothered to read it (he is a very well respected figure in audio btw) he was absolutely and completely convinced he and his partners were on to a winner with their speaker. How many times and in how many different situations did he hear them??
Same deal tho, when he was suddenly able to juxtapose them with other sound references (blind of course) and be able to directly compare them, he too had the audio epiphany you spoke of with amir.
Look, it is kinda like habituation. It is a relatively recent phenomenon but flat bass etc is a good exa,ple of that. The vast majority oif people have and live with lumpy poor bass (tis only in the last decade say that some have begun to measure in their room at home, prior to that it woulda cost thousands just for the program let alone the technician to go with it!).
Yet the majority of them would be completely unaware of that, and listen to that sound as if there was nothing up. (we still have arguments on forums about bass, subs and measurements, there are many audiophiles out there still completely stuck in the dark ages).
Now, suddenly flip that switch and have the bass sorted and smooth, WOW! And it is not
just the bass, the perception of the entire frequency range changes completely.
If you have ever experienced that demo, then you'd have an idea of what I am talking about. The point is however, that for *years* we have been completely happy with the sound we had, and it is only by that process of side by side comparison that gives us the reality.