Even though I have explained this three or four times it seems that the concept is still completely missed given your statement above. So once more, in more detail:
The standard anechoic chamber measurement you talk about is on-axis. This indeed is pretty far away from what we hear in our homes. At low frequencies, the room dominates and heavily modifies the response of the speaker. At higher frequencies the speaker is in control which means that we can predict the performance of the speaker in room *if* we have the right measurements. Here is the one picture you want to remember from my article on
low frequency room optimization:
For the purposes of this discussion we are talking about what is above the transition frequency. There, what you hear hear is the sum total of direct sound and reflected. Since the power of the reflected sounds is nearly as much as the direct sound, it has a huge impact on the perceived timber of the speaker sound you hear.
Think of your speaker as not one, but an array. The one you think you own is sitting where it is. But from every reflection point on the wall, there is another speaker that is also playing. Except that the sound from those speakers differs from the sound from the main speaker. If I mixed these you would intuitively arrive at the right conclusion that the sum total of all of these speakers matters and not just the one producing the direct sound.
To measure the sound of those other "speakers," Harman utilizes a device called a " "Spin-O-Rama." This is a turntable which the speaker sits on and under computer control rotates "N" degrees. In front of the speaker there is an array of microphones in an arc (in an anechoic chamber). The table moves from notch to notch and measurements of the array are captured. Once done, there are 70 points worth of data in a sphere around the speaker. Here is a way to visualize it:
Each measurement point tells us the quality of the sound escaping the speaker in that direction. Harman research into this using listening tests has shown which contributions matter and which do not. And to what degree. Here is Kevin Voecks on the topic:
'Each transducer is measured in the enclosure using a process we call "Spin-O-Rama," a series of 70 measurements made in a large 4? ("full-space") anechoic chamber. These measurements result in data forming a complete sphere around the speaker. This is done because our research has resulted in a group of calculated responses that have an excellent correlation to sound quality.
This high-quality data is then used in filter-synthesis software to design the system crossover networks. (While nobody really thinks about the crossovers when they look at a speaker, the crossovers are, in many ways, the heart of the system.) We can then evaluate the "Spin" data, which includes curves of the listening window, early reflections, sound power, and the directivity index. This group of measurements has a very close correlation to timbre, which is the most audible aspect of loudspeaker sound quality. If the "Spin" data is poor, the speaker will certainly sound bad, so any issues visible in the calculated curves would be investigated and solved before any listening tests.
Once the full "Spin" data results are optimized, position-independent listening tests are performed. Since small differences in the placement of a loudspeaker within any listening room result in significant audible differences at the listener’s ears, each loudspeaker must be heard when placed at the same location. We use a pneumatic "shuffler" to move each loudspeaker to precisely the same location when it is being played -- all within a few seconds, in order to maximize the sensitivity and validity of the test. We compare the speakers with the best "anchors," as well as speakers in their price range. The anchors are the best direct-radiator loudspeakers known to us -- the Salon2s, for example -- which serve as an acoustic "target." They also prevent inadvertent effects if all the competitors’ speakers happen to have a similar, non-ideal timbre, such as being excessively bright.
In general, we can outperform competitors based solely on the measurements made up to this point. However, this is where the real fun begins, where we can do blind-listening tests and aim to fine-tune the loudspeaker to perform as close as possible to the reference anchor loudspeaker. At this point, we compare the prototype to more expensive competitors to get a sense of where our performance lands relative to the (often much more expensive) competitive loudspeakers."
Funny thing is, folks design speakers where they assume sun is not hot!

Yes, smooth frequency response is the most fundamental truth we hold in audio. But when it comes to speakers it seems that people have resigned themselves to the fact that speakers are going to have non-ruler-flat response and as a result, put way too little emphasis on it.
Now here is the key thing: getting on-axis frequency response flat is not too hard. Getting it to be flat off-axis, is difficult! The reason is that as the frequencies go up relative to the size of a driver, it becomes more directional. This means that the driver sends less of its sound to the sides than to the front. Ideally by the time this happens, the next smaller driver picks up the task and we get wide response again. This simple rule is violated commonly. Take a bookshelf speaker with an 8 inch woofer and 1 inch tweeter. The 8 inch woofer will have to work well into Kilohertz region where it becomes very directional. Yet the tweeter is not yet able to pick up that load. Result is that in those mid-frequencies -- where the ear is most sensitive, the off-axis response drops off in power. Put that speaker in a room and mix that off-axis bouncing off the wall with your direct sound and you now have modified the timber of the speaker. Humans are awfully good at hearing timbre variations. So no wonder that speakers like B&W 802 lost out in the Harman test.
No, there is no trade off in this specif area. Screw up the speaker tonally and you can do all you want and it won't be as good of a speaker. The results of listening tests prove that.
A reference is not an argument

. Remember, if you modify frequency response, you change time and vice versa. These are not independent events.
The problem is, their implementations lose out in listening tests. And have poor measurements to boot. So what is left is to hang one's hat on a completely ad-hoc test: a speaker in some showroom or your own home. On what basis would your conclusions be translatable to someone else?
No, it is in both. Look at what happens when you EQ down a peak in frequency response:
What happened to the ringing? It got reduced. It has to. It has no choice or Fourier would be wrong.
You have to get technical and demonstrate the point and not just feed me buzzwords

. Put forward a theory that if a speaker has bad frequency response, I don't notice it because it has time domain perfectly nailed. Show me the math. Show me listening tests.
They do if you close your eyes

. And hear two things compared. .
Give me quote. For now, I am surprised you would care about someone's observation about blind tests one way or the other

And I addressed that. You are not situated as those musicians. They always hear their live events. You do not. You are sitting at home with a CD or LP at hand with zero clues as to how it sounded in the studio when it was mixed and mastered. That is the nature of the audio business and one of the major reasons so many disagreements exists. With no litmus test of what is live, then it is all hypothesis.
Good news is that as humans, we can tell good sound from bad. If an amp distorts, we can tell it is doing that (at least in gross amounts) without any idea of what we are playing and its relevance to live event. So yes, we do have a reference in our mind but it is not the live presentation as you say.
As to not doing AB tests, I don't buy that. I hear you saying it but I have never seen an audio person not do AB tests. You take out a cable, put in a new and say, "ah, that sounds better." Well, that is an AB test.
I thought I had heard it all

. You are worried about me having an epiphany? Why? If I didn't have one, I would come across more convincing to you? You rather this stuff didn't make sense?
Was not talking about cure. Was talking about how if I take your favorite speaker, right now, and apply an EQ to it and bring down the mid-tones by 3 db, you will hear it. Yet you deny such variations as mattering in design of a speaker. And instead like to chance fancy words like ringing and time domain that you can't articulate to me in a scientific way what the impact would be.
Appearance of bias <> bias. Not in real life, and not in discussion of audio. Lest you subscribe to the school of if I look guilty, I must have committed the crime. Your point was not this anyway. You talked about my company's web site not having audio cables on it. That has nothing to do with correctness of Harman's tests.
As I have noted, Dr. Toole's work here goes years back to research at NRC when he was not even associated with Harman.