Hi Stevie, I use the CH Precision Stack alternating with the Light Harmonic Dual. The latter does native DSD while I believe the CH does conversion to 768 PCM via Anagram. My W20 is in for an update so for files I'm just currently using my MBP via USB. I keep on telling myself I'm gonna set up a NAS but the urge disappears every time the LPs start spinning. LOL. My IT guys are researching options for me. To be honest when it comes to computer proficiency I'm so far behind its laughable.
Hi Stevie, I use the CH Precision Stack alternating with the Light Harmonic Dual. The latter does native DSD while I believe the CH does conversion to 768 PCM via Anagram. My W20 is in for an update so for files I'm just currently using my MBP via USB. I keep on telling myself I'm gonna set up a NAS but the urge disappears every time the LPs start spinning. LOL. My IT guys are researching options for me. To be honest when it comes to computer proficiency I'm so far behind its laughable.
Yeah that happens alright. If it weren't for my music that's only ever been released in digital, that might be the case for me too. The AF1 moved the bar quite a bit. I could easily switch back and forth with my old table and arms. Now it takes a bit of adjustment to ease back into digital listening. I need to drop the levels and acclimate for a bit then I can go back up a little. If the recordings are meh (and most of the pop and dance stuff are just that...meh) I'm just glad I have tweeter autoformers and adjustable powered bass. It makes life so much easier.
My problem is I rarely buy classical in digital. I go straight to LP. That's pretty much the case with Jazz too. I don't cherry pick tracks and listen to albums through and through so there is very little inconvenience with LP where I am concerned. Well maybe with 45 RPM but even that isn't so bad. My contemporary stuff and music for more social gatherings is in digital. I do have a good stash of DSD in my W20, but until I get it back from the dealer. It's all good. Busy, busy, busy anyway.
Steve, any ideas about your next cartridge? Are you considering mono on a second arm or a different flavor of stereo from the MC Anna? Have you considered the SAT arm? That has my attention, though it is expensive.
Nope not yet. I made an inquiry but Motofumi-san said they were made to order. Had they had some in stock, I might have pulled the trigger. I chickened out eventually and allocated the funds towards their limited edition demo LP releases.