The only companies that I've found that recommend Stillspoints are the ones that sell them.
Magico has advised against using any 3rd party devices under their speakers. They don't even recommend using their own QPods.
At RMAF 2013, WA went all out to give a SOTA presentation. Audiophiles and reviewers alike posted rave comments. There were no Stillpoints in their set up.
I find it very interesting that the Dobbin's Kodo The Beat turntable now integrates Stillpoints in the design, I think, both internally and as the supplied footers. There must be some arrangement between the two companies and I don't see why there could not also be similar arrangements with speaker companies if the performance is in fact better. It would benefit all parties, though perhaps increasing prices somewhat.
From my observations on this and other forums, the most popular brand which seems to be benefitting the most from the Ultra 5's under speakers is Wilson Audio. I don't know if that is because of some design synergy or just because there are a lot of Wilson owners out there willing to do the trials and pay for the devices.