Actually, I think a lot of this conjecture is actually wrong...and nothing but conjecture

. I heard the older model 80 on a couple of occasions. Nice amp, but IMO not as resolving as other competitors at the time...
However, while I have not heard the new 80 mk2, the 30mk2 is far more resolving than any Jadis amp in my experience ( and most other tube amps I have heard, and I have heard a lot of them over the many years...including several current contenders). Also, i would severely doubt that the older models can be 'upgraded' to the current Mk2 status. Main reason being that the new KT150 tube has to work with the transformers...and the older models do not have transformers that can support this tube.
I can say with certainty, that if I owned an older JA 30--or even a JA 200, it would be for sale now and I would have the new mk2's in my sights. Luckily, I wasn't in that position, LOL.