Now her last name. time just give me the right spelling if I posted it wrong, as opposed to piece-mealing it. I made a spelling error....big deal.
Sorry Bob... I now rate both your posts a big FAIL!
Now her last name.
Another thread I missed... Another huge fan here, having seen all the movies at least 30 times, yes no exaggeration, read all the books including trivia! Nuts, huh? Well, I finally exposed my true passion, and it's not high end audio So much so, that during a serious poker game a few years ago, with a Bond movie in the background, I started uttering the dialog ahead of the movie, and while everyone was looking at me as if I were an imbecile, they all cracked up when the movie caught up with me 2 seconds later... really funny moment...
It's a crime that Salma Hayak was never chosen as one of the Bond girls.
I defy anyone to tell me I'm wrong!
John - I doubt Salma could be considered for a Bond movie since, as nice as she is, she is not that tall (1.52 mts), she would have to share scenes with a 1.84 guy (Brosnan).
I recall her and Sean in a clam chowder moment.Claudine Auger as Domino in Thunderball has often been cited as one of the hottest Bond girls:
Lee time just give me the right spelling if I posted it wrong, as opposed to piece-mealing it. I made a spelling error....big deal.
Sorry Bob... I now rate both your posts a big FAIL!