Karen Souza - Essentials as usual avialable on Tidal. Such titles as BettyDavis Eyes, Every Step You Take, Tainted Love,Personal Jesus...


WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Metro DC
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I dunno, she’s kinda lounge singer quality. Ymmv
At least you did not call her Kareoke. I refer to Diana Krall as the world's greatest lounge singer. Its not an insult. Its a hazard you risk the songs of others.
Do you like her work?
I just listened to several of the songs. I tried to like the transformations, but s l o w i n g these 1980s rock songs down into lounge lizards just doesn't work for me.
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Interesting. For me
It was the original verrsions I found lacking.

Edit: Alllow me to elaborate. With few exceptions consider the mediocre talent ,poor recording qualty, musicians and backup usingers,u pandering to the mass market,harm these songs..Reworking them with quality musicians and recording techniques is a good thing. At the very least if you don't like it you will not be forced to repeatedly listen to it on your favorite top forty
She has two other albums I am working through.
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Miss Souza sings Argentine Jazz
IShe is an established recording artist and that would disqualify her as a "" lounge lizard"
There are "cover songs", classics and standards, There is nothing wrong with performing them. Indeed the term classical music speaks for its' self. Also I regard jazz as as America's classic music. Just try to call yourself a jazz musician without knowing the standards. Currenetly in pop music they are referred to as cover songs.
I suggest she has a superior vocal instrument, superb musicians and HD recording Somethings that are usually missing in pop music.
Of course it is music. If you don't like it, you don't like it.
I found out that that Karen topped the list of my choices on Tidal in February
So much so that she was awarded $2 from my subscription fee. Karen don't spend it all in one place
I guess then there are a lot of so-called Lounge Lizards (not what I would call them, but …) that deserve proper recognition. For instance, Baker’s Keyboard Lounge had such greats as,
Louis Armstrong, Pat Metheny, Marcus Belgrave, John Coltrane, Nina Simone, Nat King Cole, Miles Davis and many more….

Miles Davis played regularly at literal clubs in New York City, Chicago, Washington DC, Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis and other cities.

IMO, there are some pretty talented Lounge Lizards out there. ;)

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