I recently spent some time with Jim in his dedicated listening room getting aquatinted with his new system. I've been there before on a few occasions, but that was listening to his previous setup, which included his big Tannoy speakers with outboard crossovers and some very expensive ancillary...
I recently spent some time with Jim in his dedicated listening room getting aquatinted with his new system. I've been there before on a few occasions, but that was listening to his previous setup, which included his big Tannoy speakers with outboard crossovers and some very expensive ancillary...
Nicoff’s statement, in that thread over at Audioshark, regarding Jim Smith’s enlightenment is so very true and resonates with my personal journey:
“Very nice and honest post. The description of Jim Smith’s change of view is not unusual. Many of us start in this hobby pursuing some goal that we eventually learn is not possible to achieve. Along the way in this journey some folks discover that many supposed truths are nothing more than myths and fallacies.
It is about the music. It sounds like Jim Smith is right on. Congrats to Jim!!”
It is dumbfounding how many never figure it out and keep chasing after the elusive yellow bus….I guess that “at a certain level” it is no longer about the music but becomes about ego and vanity.
Nicoff’s statement, in that thread over at Audioshark, regarding Jim Smith’s enlightenment is so very true and resonates with my personal journey:
“Very nice and honest post. The description of Jim Smith’s change of view is not unusual. Many of us start in this hobby pursuing some goal that we eventually learn is not possible to achieve. Along the way in this journey some folks discover that many supposed truths are nothing more than myths and fallacies.
It is about the music. It sounds like Jim Smith is right on. Congrats to Jim!!”
It is dumbfounding how many never figure it out and keep chasing after the elusive yellow bus….I guess that “at a certain level” it is no longer about the music but becomes about ego and vanity.
I remember years ago when Jim visited me to help me set up my former system, he didn’t care at all about the gear or what I had in the room. It was all about optimizing what I already owned for increased musical engagement. The whole goal was connecting to my music collection, enjoying music listening sessions, and remembering them the next day.
It is interesting how he has gone from Avant-garde to Tannoy to now FYNE speakers. What struck me was his comment about his current system costing less in total than his former power cords alone.
I keep reminding myself that there are many ways to enjoy this hobby and that we are each on our own journey and path.
Nicoff’s statement, in that thread over at Audioshark, regarding Jim Smith’s enlightenment is so very true and resonates with my personal journey:
“Very nice and honest post. The description of Jim Smith’s change of view is not unusual. Many of us start in this hobby pursuing some goal that we eventually learn is not possible to achieve. Along the way in this journey some folks discover that many supposed truths are nothing more than myths and fallacies.
It is about the music. It sounds like Jim Smith is right on. Congrats to Jim!!”
It is dumbfounding how many never figure it out and keep chasing after the elusive yellow bus….I guess that “at a certain level” it is no longer about the music but becomes about ego and vanity.
I generally found it to be the same few people repeating the same things for several pages. Was curious what these folks thought, if they've heard them. I'll look for @bonzo75 comments. Though we have polar opposite opinions on Orangutan speakers.
In my 'old(er) age' I have come to separate out things can can be attained or obtained merely by being able to write the check. Not that there's anything wrong with obtaining such things....but kept in perspective it's only "being able to write the check." (My grandfather used to say, "Rich or poor -- it's good to have money." I'm not disagreeing.)
Probably this post. I've never thought highly of FW SIT amps, and have bought and sold several other FW amps. I remain interested in the Nenuphar. They could be very enjoyable paired with GM70 or Elrog 300b (mini 845s as I think about them).
Yes, and while there were promising elements I ultimately didn’t like the treble. This is despite their efforts to create a single driver with whizzer cones to control the high frequency breakups.
I don't know the Gibbons. The orangutans are great. They are very transparent to recordings though they have a wooden signature. Never said they were the final perfect.
Yeah, that's a problem. As it seems, I am unusually allergic to obvious box colorations and hear them even where others don't, which is one of the reasons I prefer smaller monitors (certainly in my speaker price range), where it is much easier to make a rather, or even very, non-resonant box. That is also why I was so surprised that the Devore minimonitors had such an obvious wooden box coloration.
The vintage tannoys also have a certain color. They are more like rice and pasta, satisfying, rather than fine dining. Hence my OCD and expense disclaimers
Sorry, I prefer analogous to fine dining, certainly on something like string quartets, but also with lots of other music. On the other hand, if the system sucks on War Pigs by Black Sabbath, I'm not interested for myself either.
The orangutans don't have a box color. They are more panel like in their openness and staging. Woody in tone.
I totally enjoyed concertos on both. Were they as good as those with better, transparent highs like universum or pnoe or Tang's or even MLs on the strings? Of course not.
If you want fine dining then you are back in the OCD race and might end up at Mac D in multiple attempts
Ha, I have my fine dining already, thanks. My system may still change at the periphery (I'm thinking of power delivery to it), but not at the core anymore. Unless I find those magical horn speakers that I might like and that fit both my price and my room . Tall order, that.
So am I. That's why I took a long time to get over MLs and Apogees.
Also, I am referring to what I think is fine dining, which may be different from what you think of fine dining . If yours is or not your visitors will say. Diners vote on the chef
Probably this post. I've never thought highly of FW SIT amps, and have bought and sold several other FW amps. I remain interested in the Nenuphar. They could be very enjoyable paired with GM70 or Elrog 300b (mini 845s as I think about them).
I heard their flagship model with its subs with first watt sit 2 and 3, top pass preamp, and rockna dac. I didn't like at all. There are others in that group who have seen it evolve with various amps and they haven't liked it. Don't know if needs to be heard with SETs and analog. If I stumble upon one will let you know but at the moment not interested in seeking one out.
Also, I am referring to what I think is fine dining, which may be different from what you think of fine dining . If yours is or not your visitors will say. Diners vote on the chef
The orangutans don't have a box color. They are more panel like in their openness and staging. Woody in tone.
I totally enjoyed concertos on both. Were they as good as those with better, transparent highs like universum or pnoe or Tang's or even MLs on the strings? Of course not.
If you want fine dining then you are back in the OCD race and might end up at Mac D in multiple attempts
Yes I already covered that. I was just separating his wooden box into woody and box
There is always a color depends how overwhelming it is.
In the same room I heard a 20k and a 65k lansche. On the first track it was more impressive, more heft. Then all concerts were staging the same. with Devore's each one was changing. It was like a different stage, different venue each time. Much preferred the Devore Is there wood? Sure. Have I heard better? Yes. Do I seek it? Only if OCD takes over.
Art Dudley had this on audition for 18 months and bought it. He said Bonham sounded the best on it