No probs, in principle. The review will be in PDF format, which makes posting the review here a bit tricky (a straight cut 'n' paste will probably look awful!)...
No probs, in principle. The review will be in PDF format, which makes posting the review here a bit tricky (a straight cut 'n' paste will probably look awful!)...
I do not know the name of the programs but there are applications that make PDF files editable and fully manageable. I'll ask my friend when, I run in to her.
The L1500 is running in nicely. It still takes a long time. My sound stage and detail has turned. Not quite all there yet. It may soon run with the"big dogs.'
This is a four sided picture of my preamp. Pay particular attention to the rear. The fornt side has eliminated the chrome volume control for a knurled motorized volume knob. The little happy face on the left that looks a smiley face is actually a voltage meter to detect tube wear.
Really good looking piece Greg, mine took about 750 hours to get right and is still improving after more than 2000 hours. Mine is not the L1500 but I think the transformers are what require so much time.
Yes, the Verito Z is worth a listen, especially with the Allnic amplification chain. I changed some tubes around as well. Unfortunately, when you listened last time I wasn't aware that the power tubes on the bass panels had deteriorated creating some lousy output in the lower midrange.
The Verito Z is good enough to outperform my Clearaudio Harmony Mg. Allnic also has another cartridge that is supposed to be even higher performance, the Puritas, which will be coming out in May.
Really good looking piece Greg, mine took about 750 hours to get right and is still improving after more than 2000 hours. Mine is not the L1500 but I think the transformers are what require so much time.
Albert- I am going to board a plane this summer. Yes I am. I mean it. It continues to expand the soundstage, get faster and lose its slight edginess. It is outgrowing my characterization as a classic tube amp. How do you feel about there decision to opt for no balance control?
Greg, The absence of balance control seems normal, perhaps that's because I owned an Aesthetix Callisto for a decade and it didn't have one either.
Sure, the Callisto dual volume controls allowed the user to set separate gain per channel, but I never felt the need to do that. Either my system is well balanced or I accept differences in output from channel to channel as normal sound in the recording.
As for boarding a plane this summer, I hope you mean it. If your trip puts you here during our Tuesday audio meeting you can meet others in the group.
Greg, The absence of balance control seems normal, perhaps that's because I owned an Aesthetix Callisto for a decade and it didn't have one either.
Sure, the Callisto dual volume controls allowed the user to set separate gain per channel, but I never felt the need to do that. Either my system is well balanced or I accept differences in output from channel to channel as normal sound in the recording.
As for boarding a plane this summer, I hope you mean it. If your trip puts you here during our Tuesday audio meeting you can meet others in the group.
Albert- I have bass again. That is usually a good sign that a unit is entering the final stage of its' break in. I will withhold judgement until I choose a new CD player.
It's really kind of embarrassing. My sister is a retired Air Traffic Controller. Hmm. DC to California for the weekend. Then Dallas for Tuesday night. It might work. I'll give it some thought.
All you have to do is say the word, it would be great to have you listen and meet the other guys that show up for the music.
Some weeks it's a mad house, no place to sit. Other weeks there may only be a couple or three other visitors. Like me, all have family and kids and schedule varies week to week.
Still, it's always a good time and I have many kinds of music to choose from.
It does get hot here but so far only mid 80's and at night 65 degrees. My house has this thing called air conditioning, keeps it nice year round, even during the foot of snow we had this winter.
My current source is a ten year old Sony DVD player($199.00). My thanks to Albert Porter, Hammertone Audio(Dave) and Mr. Park of Allnic Audio. Yes the L1500 is that good. The order of improvement is akin to that expereinced when I put the Moscode 401hr/402au in my system. Sound stage and imaging are fantastic. Yes I hear things I never heard before. Most notably those little percussive instruments that are played in the background. Plastic pick being scraped over guitar strings. The bow of a violin bouncing across the strings. Breathy sound of a female singer. Of course Gayle Sanders(ML) and George Kaye (Moscode) deserve equal credit. I can only hope that my potential CD player, that is DVD-A compatible, will take it to another level. Have I reached Planet Audio Nirvana? No. But I may be in orbit.
Now when I get back into vinyl they have an H1500 phono preamp that is supposedly just as good.
Yes, the Allnic H 1500 is a fantastic phono stage. I had it for a year before going to the H 3000.
It kind of gets lost in the shuffle with the discussion of the big brother, the H 3000, but I could easily live with the H 1500 and not feel deprived. A mullard 5AR4 rectifier and a nice matched pair of WE 417a in the forward position also help ( the rear set of four WE 417a's can be ordinary raytheon 5842, they don't seem to influence the sound quite as much.)