I wasn't talking about Wilson it was a general comment I address them directly if it had to do with them. Go on YouTube, John Devore did anentire video on the issue of sensitivity.
we do not have reliable measured data on the Karmas's , what is the point? If we have such data we have the proper tools to estimate real power needs. Keith Howard wrote an excellent article on the subject in Stereophile https://www.stereophile.com/reference/707heavy/index.html . French magazine Nouvelle Revue du Son publishes EPDR curves since long.
Just wanted to refer my preferences for our readers, in case they are interested on the subject.I don't know where you come up with the idea of close up listening, if you read our show reports you'd know that we're usually in a large suite or a ballroom. No problem with ML3/Kharma combination filling the big space with sound even with many people in the room. Front row seats are at least 6m away from the speakers. Also both of my installations sit farther than 12' from the speakers.
Are you selling your amps because of the great bass and dynamics you’re getting with the Wilsons? I'm worried about you now, a few posts earlier you wrote this and going by Michelson's review you could be deaf
Yes, you wisely told me that the X2 S2 is just borderline effective with the ML3. I also find it. If I have not owned the ARC REF750 and did not own the VTL Siegfried II and the conrad johnson ART I would probably be happy with the ML3/XLF combo.If you recall I suggested a very different type of speaker for your ML3.
BTW, in this hobby , just because someone if following a different path does not mean the previous one was a faulty, have less merit or a wrong option. I enjoy music and trying different gear. I try to buy most of my equipment in used condition in order to be able to sell with acceptable loss after experimentation if I do not want to keep it - the XLFs and the Vivaldi were exceptions.
Mike Lavigne did the same, he bought the ML3's to try them in his 97dB/W speakers - however he was fortunate than me as he easily found a buyer for the ML3's ...
To make things clear - although IMHO the XLF is by far the best speaker under 250k I have ever listened, if someone wants to buy my XLF's I would happily keep the ML3 and built a system for the LL1/ML3 pair. For me gear in just a way, not an end point. My WBF signature is dynamic!