LDMS Server

Appreciate your sharing. I'm still using the stock fuse w/ the hybrid PSU, really excited to see the gains for putting in something else.
Was the change from stock to SRPurple as big as from Purple to Master?

What fuse spec did you use?
Yes! Big difference. I swapped 5 purple to master since October. Another one is on it’s way. But purple is still a very good fuse. Imo better than Orange, AM Ultimate, AM M1, etc.

I‘m living in Europe: 4A is ok, SR fuses are underrated. Pls ask LD before you change it.
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Yes! Big difference. I swapped 5 purple to master since October. Another one is on it’s way. But purple is still a very good fuse. Imo better than Orange, AM Ultimate, AM M1, etc.

I‘m living in Europe: 4A is ok, SR fuses are underrated. Pls ask LD before you change it.

If you don't mind, can you please describe some of the changes from stock -> SR fuse?

Santa only brought me clothes this year, so I think it's time for a post-Santa SR Master visit....
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If you don't mind, can you please describe some of the changes from stock -> SR fuse?

Santa only brought me clothes this year, so I think it's time for a post-Santa SR Master visit....
Ok I try to describe:
Purple: More dynamics, + mids, + holographic, details and crispness
Master: bigger soundstage, bether hights and lows, less noise, ++dynamics, ++holographic, ++ details and crispness

There are a lot of reviews about these two fuses online. Maybe all together help to make your decision.

I would start with a Master in the Dac and PSU, that’s how I did.
Yes! Big difference. I swapped 5 purple to master since October. Another one is on it’s way. But purple is still a very good fuse. Imo better than Orange, AM Ultimate, AM M1, etc.

I‘m living in Europe: 4A is ok, SR fuses are underrated. Pls ask LD before you change it.

I live in U.S. I thought I recall Lucas telling me recently 5A for new PSU for 110V but if anyone knows for certain please chime in.
Per Lucas, the fuses are 2A in Europe and 4A in the USA.
Thank you Will. Small, slow blow I think.

Happy New Year. :)

Based upon all the recommendations I installed a purple fuse in my new LDMS power supply. I waited about 6 hours to listen and it sounded very nice, a big upgrade on the stock fuse.

Tonight, now about 28 hrs of burn-n, it sounds worse. Way to think and flat soundstage. I've experienced this with new interconnects recently and after 5 days they sounded great. I'm going to guess the 'sounding worse before it sound better' isn't that uncommon. I'll give it at least 12-15 hrs before listening to something again.

If anyone can relate a similar experience it would be good to hear about it.
I think you need at least 100 hours before the fuse will settle down and be consistent.
Hello and good evening to you @ihmeyers. I can completely relate. I do not have the gear you have, nor the same fuse but when I tried out a QSA fuse? It was painful to hear and I believe a week went by of constant paly before I asked when it would settle down.

Coincidently, right after I asked that question? She finally started settling down. It took another 4 or 5 days and kept changing after that, however, after about a week? She started being listenable to these ears. After that, 4 or 5 days later, things started to get really good and stabilized.

After that? Minimal changes and it just kept getting tighter and tighter and brought out what it truly did. It is strange to me that such a small device like this would do what it did.....but it is what it is.

That said, mine was in the PS section of my amp but what I noticed is that things were all over the place and it drove me kuckin' futz.

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Hello and good evening to you @ihmeyers. I can completely relate. I do not have the gear you have, nor the same fuse but when I tried out a QSA fuse? It was painful to hear and I believe a week went by of constant paly before I asked when it would settle down.

Coincidently, right after I asked that question? She finally started settling down. It took another 4 or 5 days and kept changing after that, however, after about a week? She started being listenable to these ears. After that, 4 or 5 days later, things started to get really good and stabilized.

After that? Minimal changes and it just kept getting tighter and tighter and brought out what it truly did. It is strange to me that such a small device like this would do what it did.....but it is what it is.

That said, mine was in the PS section of my amp but what I noticed is that things were all over the place and it drove me kuckin' futz.


What color QSA fuse did you use and can you confirm what component you used it in? Second, do you have other boutique fuses in other componentsand if so, what fuse going to what component?
Good evening, Willgolf. Just a Red and Black into the PS portion of the Musical Fidelity KW-750. No other fuses (yet) but am planning on it. I have other audio ambitions that are currently draining my wallet at the moment.

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Good evening, Willgolf. Just a Red and Black into the PS portion of the Musical Fidelity KW-750. No other fuses (yet) but am planning on it. I have other audio ambitions that are currently draining my wallet at the moment.

I can relate. I went crazy with QSA cords and cables and speakers and a new preamp. Fuses are not in the budget right now.
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I can relate. I went crazy with QSA cords and cables and speakers and a new preamp. Fuses are not in the budget right now.

It's 2024 budget now!
Quick update on the SR purple fuse burn-in for anyone that's still interested, LOL.

Listened briefly last night (75 hrs burn-in) and it sounded like it's getting better. Listened tonight (100hrs) and it was meh again. I think I'll just let it go for a few days. I guess it bounces back and forth until it gets to 200 hrs or so.
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Quick update on the SR purple fuse burn-in for anyone that's still interested, LOL.

Listened briefly last night (75 hrs burn-in) and it sounded like it's getting better. Listened tonight (100hrs) and it was meh again. I think I'll just let it go for a few days. I guess it bounces back and forth until it gets to 200 hrs or so.
That's a long time, Ian.
Would you have the opportunity to, after all this is settled in, try going back to the original fuse to see if you can hear a difference?
That's a long time, Ian.
Would you have the opportunity to, after all this is settled in, try going back to the original fuse to see if you can hear a difference?

It would be a PITA but I could. Given that the fuse it replaced is a stock fuse it's hard to believe that it would be better than the purple.

Maybe I need to swap the direction, but this is the direction the fuse sounded best in when I installed it. In my past experience with SR fuses you can tell which orientation is best immediately. Should that hold true for this one? I also recall SR's Ted Denney said the fuse might take 200-300 hrs to fully break in.
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The "burn in" period is very puzzling. I bought a new amp (Allnic 1500mk2 and Sw1x lvl 3 DAC for around 3 month ago. And still I can hear differences more than the normal tube varmup period every time I switch on the Allnic. I have no answer to this but I suspect that the AC distribution is not fully stable all the time either. Its different during days when there is more activity on the lines. But still I have used SR orange and purple and QSA but could never hear such a variation in SQ but that could be the case different for all depending. So all in all its tough to say what affects what. I am just very happy when it sounds so good that I know it can. All my gear is running through a Chord powerhaus M6
It would be a PITA but I could. Given that the fuse it replaced is a stock fuse it's hard to believe that it would be better than the purple.
Return to stock is always a good reality check.
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