Legacy Audio Aeris room question


Active Member
Jan 6, 2022
This is a tough question to answer, I know, but having a pair of Aeris's on order, and what I discovered last night has me rethinking my speaker location.

I have a dedicated 2 channel music room. 3 separate circuits, and maybe LCR walls. It's 15' X 19' gear on short wall. I have the Spatial X3 open baffle speakers playing in this room and they sound very good to my ears but my wife never warmed to them. We moved our Buchardt S400 MK II's in this room and they simply outplayed the big Spatials. The Spatials are for sale and the order was placed for the Aeris.

In a much larger room where I have a HT system and a 117" projector screen along with 11 channels of quality speakers, we moved the Spatials into that room just to see how they would sound in a larger space. The Spatila played huge. They really opened up, even with lesser electronics. I moved my integrated and DAC into the HT room to gain missing fidelity and was rewarded again. It was interesting though how playing through one AC circuit with an APC power conditioner destroyed the presentation. It sounded like my system was out of phase. But still, the difference in sound between rooms is amazing.

I've lived by the rule of making the music room as good as it can be. A well sounding system is largely dependent on a good room. Having the Aeris coming our way one day we now are pursuing the idea of using the Aeris in the HT room. This would entail adding 3 circuits of 10/2 Romex (our dedicated 2 channel room has 12/2 as the contractor changed my specification - he told me I didn't need it and it was illegal). The benefit would be an amazing HT system. The downside would be a whole lot of electronics in one area!

The Aeris has Wavelet, which could theoretically compensate for a bad room (if it is truly a bad room). I wonder if anyone here has experience with the wavelet utilized in different rooms?
I would suggest calling and talking with Bill Duddleson at Legacy. I have the Aries with the version I of the Wavlet and it does a fine job in my room but it isn't a theater and doesn't have dedicated power runs.
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I have not been able to gain an audience with Bill.

I'm preemptively running 3 circuits of 10awg Romex. Fortunately, the runs are less than 20ft. Good because Romex is heading towards the cost of power cables!
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@MichaelHiFi I missed this thread somehow early in the summer; work and life were pulling on too many schedule strings.
Did you get this answered by Legacy? I have used Wavelet v1 in 3 rooms and Wavelet v2 in one room. 2 of the rooms had
significant asymmetries, suck-outs (staircase AND hallway), etc...with 2 different levels of Legacy speaker setups (Aeris
and Caliber XD + dual Foundation subs tied together via Wavelet as a single stack) and Wavelet handled the rooms very well.
Passive treatment would have not been able to fully accomplish what I heard or even close and that's before the time correction
aspects of Wavelet algorithms are even factored in.
This is a tough question to answer, I know, but having a pair of Aeris's on order, and what I discovered last night has me rethinking my speaker location.

I have a dedicated 2 channel music room. 3 separate circuits, and maybe LCR walls. It's 15' X 19' gear on short wall. I have the Spatial X3 open baffle speakers playing in this room and they sound very good to my ears but my wife never warmed to them. We moved our Buchardt S400 MK II's in this room and they simply outplayed the big Spatials. The Spatials are for sale and the order was placed for the Aeris.

In a much larger room where I have a HT system and a 117" projector screen along with 11 channels of quality speakers, we moved the Spatials into that room just to see how they would sound in a larger space. The Spatila played huge. They really opened up, even with lesser electronics. I moved my integrated and DAC into the HT room to gain missing fidelity and was rewarded again. It was interesting though how playing through one AC circuit with an APC power conditioner destroyed the presentation. It sounded like my system was out of phase. But still, the difference in sound between rooms is amazing.

I've lived by the rule of making the music room as good as it can be. A well sounding system is largely dependent on a good room. Having the Aeris coming our way one day we now are pursuing the idea of using the Aeris in the HT room. This would entail adding 3 circuits of 10/2 Romex (our dedicated 2 channel room has 12/2 as the contractor changed my specification - he told me I didn't need it and it was illegal). The benefit would be an amazing HT system. The downside would be a whole lot of electronics in one area!

The Aeris has Wavelet, which could theoretically compensate for a bad room (if it is truly a bad room). I wonder if anyone here has experience with the wavelet utilized in different rooms?
I suggest a different "contractor", as the one you used definitely is not an electrician, and in most States, only a licensed electrical contractor/electrician can do electrical work.
As a IBEW member and licensed electrician of over 30 years, I can tell you it is obviously NOT illegal to run #10 conductors for a 20A circuit... a #12 conductor is the MINIMUM allowed by code, not the only size allowed. I assume you probably already know the benefits of over sizing conductors.
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I suggest a different "contractor", as the one you used definitely is not an electrician, and in most States, only a licensed electrical contractor/electrician can do electrical work.
As a IBEW member and licensed electrician of over 30 years, I can tell you it is obviously NOT illegal to run #10 conductors for a 20A circuit... a #12 conductor is the MINIMUM allowed by code, not the only size allowed. I assume you probably already know the benefits of over sizing conductors.
Of course, you are correct. For us, it was too late. I gave them the specifications and they chose to do otherwise, then tried to explain to me their knowledge of the NEC code. It was obvious to me that he/they probably never opened the NEC book.

I'm a former electrical engineer and designed the control systems for Particle and photon accelerators. I was on the NEC committee at Stanford and this young man is telling me what gauge size was allowed in my wall?

I can go on and on but trying to put it in the past.
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