Yes Dave they are the M2.2 mono blocks 220watts 8 ohms - 440watts 4 ohms - 600 watts 1 ohm - so yes plenty of juice.![]()
Andre, that's the kind of amp that works well with a less than efficient speaker like the SF G's. On the other forum, we have various people suggesting flea powered single ended amps to match with the SF G's. Bad advice IMHO, particularly since these guys don't use the speaker in question.
Btw,I would think your friend's system must sound pretty darn good.
Oh, before I forget, when I used to own Acoustats ( 3Mc's) , way back in the day, the 'C' mod for the transformers was a pretty good upgrade, along with removing the grlll cloths ( assuming no little hands to get into the stators). Lastly, I remember vacuuming the panels also seemed to bring about some SQ increase. ( remember the darn things attract dust like a magnet and vacuuming the panel seemed to help remove some of that...just don't use too high powered a vacuum---otherwise you can suck up budgie, LOL). One of the other Acoustat owners ran a support bar from the top of his speaker to the ceiling to stabilize the panel, seemed to also work a little magic.