about to get new cartridge for my Burmester 175 table, listen pretty much to everything except newer country and rap.. huge blues fan, male/female vocals, classical, jazz, etc
anyone have experience with following, plz give details on like/dislikes, etc
Etna Lambda SL
Atlas Lambda SL
AirTight Opus 1
Airtight PC 1 Supreme
I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them. IMHO AirTight Opus 1 is nice all rounder and Lyra Atlas Lambda SL is very dynamic and lively. I would go for Air Tight.
I have experience with a PC-1 Supreme, and I think it's great. I own the Opus 1 and I love it -- it is the last cartridge of my life. (Unless Kedar buys me a DaVa for Christmas to add to the Opus 1.)
For point of sonic reference Air Tight / Benz Micro / ZYX is what I like on the cartridge sonic spectrum.