That's why I used the word confirm. My hypothetical doesn't concern itself with inconclusive measurement. Either there's a confirmatory measurement or there's no measurement. Which is you preference?
I said negative or positive measurement not no measurement. The problem with measurements and DSP, you can take a measurement that shows a peak or a dip and get the DSP to fix it and get the better measurements. Many times the better measurement can sound worse. You can also start with great, flat measurements but you have a dull sound and you might need to introduce peak somewhere to bring life to the room, in this case the worse measurement will sound better. Then there's the situation with electricity, you can get better measurements in certain parameters with a high quality transformer installed but sonically there are penalties. We've gone over this in another thread where I find the noisier, worse measuring mains preferable to the cleaner, quieter sound of the transformer.There's value in the measurements but at the same time you can't measure perception and very important things like tone, tonal range, timbre, solidity and naturalness. IMO both have their place.