Did the shape of the waves vary a lot from second to second or just very slight?
My picture of voltage and current waveforms as shown in the opening post is very stable, particularly the Voltage. The Current would only change (becoming steeper and higher) as I added load when powering up equipment.
I’m wondering what would explain your ever-changing waveforms? (as I only have the very most basic understanding of any of this, everything I read just brings on more questions)
Hi wil,
Yea I would say the waves did vary quite a lot sometimes, and sometimes they did not. I did claim that the problem was coming from outside and had the power company to check and recheck all their equipment, cables and transformers. The voltage did vary a lot. The current was a bit more stable. The general distortion was the worsed part. I had a lot of distortion coming into my house at the time of the measurement.
You are right regarding questions:
I had so many questions about why I DID have all these problems, so I had the biggest power company in our country to set up a task force just to solve my problem. I have to say they were VERY helpful and very kind. But had I not have the knowledge of electricity I would not been given all that help, that I could tell by talking to them.
Well now, I had tested all there is to test as a private person when it comes to electricity. I had checked EVERYTHING. So when the power company did ask about things I had the answer - and more!!! Still the troubles remained. So finally they had no other option than hit the big drum. They came with their fullest arsenal, and as I have said earlier it all paid off in the end.
The pin point issue…???
No one can’t really tell, and even the smartest specialists on this matter can’t give me a straight 100% answer.
My own thoughts to the problem remains, and is due to frequency distortion with harmonic over tones both on the voltage but also on the current. Probably caused by switching devices such as car chargers, solar panels, wind turbines etc… DC to AC and AC back to DC…
As I don’t have any problems no more, I am pretty sure the power company has seen this (problem) and put some kind of high frequency filter at the main transmission / transformer station in secret, to calm the power grid from these high frequency harmonic distortions… -but that is only my own speculations.
Still thinks the wizard did his job though.. LOL!!
/ Jk