The only difference between dynamics - the difference between loud and soft stuff - and "microdynamics" is magnitude. So why do we need micro or macro when dynamics alone conveys all that's needed? Again, every time I've seen an audiophile type use those terms, they were unable to define what they meant when asked. Such terms only serve to distract us from what really does affect the quality of audio gear. What next, microfrequencies? microdecibels? microbytes?
I think what I posted explained what they mean quite nicely. And the point is you agreed there are differences. So the words dynamic range or just dynamics are general terms to describe the fact that we have differences from the softest of sounds to the loudest of sounds. Because classical music is written to be played at ppp and fff (and all points inbetween), what's wrong with using words that are descriptive of what is going on at those two extremes and between them?