I’ve reformatted my thread text.
Maybe people other than me can now understand it.
It is now much easier to read, Marc!
I’ve reformatted my thread text.
Maybe people other than me can now understand it.
Not for me. I can't stand when you press return instead of letting the forum text wrap itself. I literally don't read Marc's posts because of that. Once in a great while I might, but usually I just pass over replies that have hit return and skipped to the next line prematurely.
I am grateful that Marc has stopped using his completely made-up abbreviations!
"Neutral" means what you think it should sound like in real life.
The word is by its very nature, subjective.
Is there a rt60 graph for Mike Lavigne's room? That gives a clue about the rooms neutrality.
Just get REW and a calibrated mic (even a umik-1, a usb mic) and start measuring! You can tune your room by ear, but you need references that you can build upon. Here is an article from gearslutz to show you what to look for in your measurments: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/studio-building-acoustics/469574-measuring-room-acoustics.html
CJ, like you I got “lucky” on my room. I realised in a flash things were going to be good when even before I set up the system, speech was so intelligible up there.
What I’ve found fascinating is that upon hitting my final stride on system optimisation last week, my system is displaying a dramatic extra level of transparency, evenness, consistency.
Indeed a certain cloying colouration that I’ve struggled for a decade with my Zus has just gone.
My system is primarily the same as it’s ever been, only the room and the way I set the Zus up within the room have changed.
So if I revisit the topic of my thread, I do believe my room is solely responsible for the opening up in performance of my components, things indeed do sound more “neutral” yet there is no absence of the character unique to the gear/gear combination.
And Ron likely might have come to the same conclusions as he did had Mike in his selfsame room been listening to an alternative big spkr system eg Zellaton Statements or VS Universe, or big Apogee Full Ranges, or big AG Trios.
Maybe even with a different tt, Garrard 301.
The point I’m making, and I may very well be incorrect is that Mike’s room will make the most of any component, but I’m not sure if this has truly dictated Mike’s final choice because his exposure to those components and initial like for them is in places other than that room.
I too have been "lucky" with my rooms...although I am beginning to suspect that a decent room is not as rare as people think...at least here in Europe where we tend to have brick or concrete walls.