Mobile Apps for the younger kids 2 - 4


[Industry Expert] Member Sponsor
Sep 17, 2010
Seattle, WA
I say "Mobile" because although most are for iPhone / iPad - they are regularly being ported over to the Android.

These are games for the younger kids, the non-readers - and I have experience with them, either because I've reviewed them or played them - because I received a free code.
Most Disney games are pretty good, in particular, I recommend Where's My Water?

99 cent Paid App -

Free Version -

Any of you remember the old pipe work games where you had to connect a series of pipes to drain water? This is a variation on it and gravity based. The young ones won't be able to get very far as the levels get progressively harder but the artwork, physics and animation are top-notch.

You are trying to get water to a crocodile for his bath. to do that, you have to dig out soil (by rubbing it away with your finger) so the water drains into a pipe and is routed to his bath tub.

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