MSB Discrete to Premier

For those MSB Discrete or Premier owners who are looking for value for money tweaks:

I bought a pair of umbilicals from Revelation Audio for Premier's twin power supplies. Mine was bought from Revelation Audio but there are other vendors who also manufacture these cables.

Improvements: Huge improvements across the board from spatial information to timing and dynamics. Felt like the Premier grew a pair of balls while remaining expressive and articulated. Vocals, in particular, sound really rich and lifelike.

Nitpicks: Not sure if timbre changed much; vocals a bit more forward but was not an issue for me

Summary: It's about USD$930 for a pair of 1.2m umbilicals. I think it's a no brainer if you are looking to push your DAC's performance to the next level but dont want to pay a fortune. YMMV as always.

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