Hi Howie,
In this "getting to know" the Select II stage, we have the SGM at Mike's delivering bit perfect to the Select II. We are trying various bit perfect configurations in our workshop in Holland using a new Metrum Adagio as the test DAC. There a lot of variables to try out both on the hardware side, on the OS side and Player configuration to get the best sounding bit perfect delivery for the Select 2. In our development group, we are fighting over who is going to visit Mike's to test the various configurations.
As Mike gains further insight in to the sonics of different formats and sample rates, then we will propose some format conversion or upsampling strategies that could be interesting. 6 months ago, I would not have been optimistic about the SGM and it's software being able to deliver an interesting improvement in sonics to the Select 2, but there has been a big uptick in SQ of the SGM package the last few months.
Jussi Laako is continually pushing the envelope on his processing algorithms and we know there is a new family of filters coming in the not too distant future
Thanks for the update. Have you guys changed any of the hardware like the processor? Some of Jussi's new configuration of upsampling to my T&A putters out because the i7 6700k can't do it.
Obviously the Select is different so I am very interested to hear where you take Mike's system