Munich HighEnd 2024

I assume (perhaps wrongly) that most of those in this forum have yet to hear the Cinnamon Galle DAC. I just had the opportunity to listen to it over three days in a top-flight system that I know well. I have listened to many high-end digital set-ups priced at multiple times the cost of the Galle, and have been largely unmoved emotionally over time in contrast to outstanding analog front-ends. I was stopped in my tracks by the nuance, body, and presence: it created music that touched me deeply (and no, it isn't colored). Anyway, with zero link to the boutique manufacturer, I urge fellow forum members to audition.
Their 'design' smells like OMA:

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Sorry to go slightly OT, but as I understand it the Munich show is industry only for Thursday and Friday, and civilians are allowed only on Saturday and Sunday. Given this, and since it is one of the biggest (if not the) biggest show in the world, is it too much for a regular guy to try and do in two days? It’d be me flying in from the U.S. I’m wondering if it would be really worth it. I kind of feel like for the outlay it’d be better if I could spend more than two days there.
Tony while it is true that the High End Show is only public Saturday and Sunday Munich itself is a very interesting place to visit. Arranging a city tour would allow you to acquaint yourself with its history and culture. When we go we stay in the Marienplatz area just to be close to dining and people watching as it's touristy.

On the audio side. Moterword just across from the show is worthwhile in itself and the hifi section may be available to the public on the Friday. In addition there is Hifi Deluxe at the Marriott which may also be available to the public earlier than the weekend.

It's is probably impossible to see and hear all that is available in even four days. Having said that it is a great audio experience and well worth attending. They publish rooms and exhibitors before the event so you can make yourself a plan as to what you think you might like to hear.
Tony while it is true that the High End Show is only public Saturday and Sunday Munich itself is a very interesting place to visit. Arranging a city tour would allow you to acquaint yourself with its history and culture. When we go we stay in the Marienplatz area just to be close to dining and people watching as it's touristy.

On the audio side. Moterword just across from the show is worthwhile in itself and the hifi section may be available to the public on the Friday. In addition there is Hifi Deluxe at the Marriott which may also be available to the public earlier than the weekend.

It's is probably impossible to see and hear all that is available in even four days. Having said that it is a great audio experience and well worth attending. They publish rooms and exhibitors before the event so you can make yourself a plan as to what you think you might like to hear.
@RCanelas how do you go from designing speakers to a DAC? Did you partner with other designers and manufacturers?

We're not just designing DACs... :)

Electroacoustics (loudspeakers) are, ultimately, what drive me. It is the ultimate challenge, on almost everything, from materials, industrial, product and acoustic design, to psychoacoustics. Components to feed them and ultimately achieve a vision could be interpreted as a natural progression for some. Look at Aries Cerat and Stavros, for example. As long as you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals, and the predisposition to iterate and learn, nothing is out of reach. I've had the luck of studying, researching, publishing, teaching and working on areas that map extremely well, and gave me those deep fundamentals.

Of course we do partnerships. The industrial design of the Galle line comes from an architect and a designer couple. Some boards are manufactured for us by specialized partners. Some ideas for parts of the processing stack were provided by PhDs in digital processing. This is not a solo sport, and Cinnamon is surrounded by incredible people.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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