so, after some teasing around the web i pulled the trigger on a bunch of "new" cartridges that getting a lot of attention and consider top notch and very highly recommended (more to come).
my VDH Colibri strad' is playing for over 50 hours now.. and yesterday the SUMILE arrived from Japan to my door after two week of waiting patiently.
the Sumile comes in a wonderful looking box with all those Japanese aesthetics touch..
i was waiting for my Ikeda 407 CR1 to also for mounting the SUMILE on it, and surpassingly i had them together on the same day.
the Sumile already played for 5-6 hour today- and shown a VERY good prospect to be one of "go to cart" for a full and live dynamic presentation!.
its a BIG wall of sound, with a fast upper mid and full mids with low and punchy bass notes. its not as detail or open as the VDH or flat responding as the Ortofon ANNA... but got a sound signature that hold you down to your chair for hours! (i can see my days lengthen in my music room to the late hours of the night with it).
il wait for some final conclusions after it fully break in, but for now it is very promising!